'Does this mean the next time a porn VCD seller is caught and charged in court, they will play the seized videos on big screens?'
Something rotten at the Duta courts
Ferdtan: There appeared to be a military precision in this trial with the DPPs, defence lawyers, court administrative staff and finally the magistrate, all actors doing their part according to the script.
Before the 'play', publicity is necessary: you have the Quran swearing in bullet-proof vest, and many video VCDs (trailers) released before the actual 'show' (trial). The mainstream media, especially Utusan Malaysia, were given rights to 'publicise' and 'promote' the play daily.
The three months' advertising blitz was about right, before the 'show' could begin. To ensure no hiccups happened due to some bad coordination, one defendant had an audience with the CEO of the show in Parliament.And before the show began, stage props - big screen TVs- were installed. They were not supposed to choose the 'place' (court) as well as the main actor, the magistrate, but this particular CEO in Putrajaya has strong 'cables'. He got what he wanted and the show was a great success.
Changeagent: Despite all the non-subtle political and judicial posturing and manipulation in this farcical case, one fact sticks out like a sore thumb and continues to be an Achilles' heel to the Umno regime. That is, the slightly overweight man in the sex video cannot be Anwar Ibrahim at all because of the obvious difference in body weight and also facial features.
It is plain obvious to the majority of the public that this whole episode was designed to politically persecute the country's opposition leader.
Kangaroo: Let it be known to all the conspirators involved in the sex tape, don't take the man in the street to be a fool. Don't insult our intelligence. Nobody believes the government-controlled media, which are full of lies and manipulations. Gone are the days when we use to believe them.
The more you do this, the more people rebel and hate you. The people reject gutter politics.
Faz: The over-killing is really showing. In a haste to show the demons in Anwar, all stops were pulled.
But instead of 'killing' Anwar, they are slowly killing all the revered institutions that are supposed to be fair to all Malaysians. With or without Anwar, we have to put things right by booting Umno-BN out of power. It will be the only right thing to do to save the nation.
Abdul Rahman Othman: What happened in court is for the public good. Anwar must be dumped. Only Malaysiakini and its ilk don't care about background of our leaders-to-be. Anwar disgraced the Muslims, the Malays and his family. Power and influence corrupt his mind into thinking he can get away with his galavantings.
I actually told Wan Azizah Wan Ismail four months ago that Anwar should bow out of politics. He is not fit for public office. I am surely qualified to judge him on this aspect.
How much more does Malaysiakini want to spin to prop a wilting Anwar? Malaysiakini surely is losing credibility. Unto you your own. I am my own too!
Multi Racial: No, Rahman. Malaysiakini is still the trusted media. You are not. I am not a fan of Anwar. But what happened is shameful to this country. It is clearly an act of conspiracy and it can't be anything else.
The only prescription we have to this country is to vote Pakatan Rakyat to power. Whether Anwar is the PM or not is not important. What is important is BN has to be removed from power as its leaders can no longer be trusted.
Bender: Rahman, with all due respect, I think you are the one who are obsessed with Anwar. I vote for Pakatan, but I don't give a sh*t about Anwar. Even if he's gone, the fight against injustice must go on, for the sake of this country.
It is Umno/BN that is obsessed and fearful of Anwar, so much so that even the justice system is being used to topple the man. The real crooks were given free pass to destroy the country just so that Anwar can be eliminated. What losers (and you included!).
Ridhwan Malek: When things are rotten, it would surely fall apart. When things fall apart, the centre cannot hold. Malaysia is truly on the road to a failed nation.
ForTheNation: Does this mean the next time a porn VCD seller is caught and charged in court, they will play the seized videos on big screens? Imagine, 'Debbie Does Dallas' being shown on Court TV! Way to go, Malaysian judiciary.
After an unexplained delay of 3 months, the notorious 'Datuk T' trio were charged and convicted on June 24 for exhibiting an obscene film in public under s.292(a) of the Penal Code. As expected, the trio were let off with 'a slap on the wrist'.
However what is truly shocking is the conduct of the prosecution in court today. The prosecution submitted a statement of facts which alleged that the video recording is authentic and that an expert in the United States had found that the person in the video resembled Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.
Clearly, the authenticity of the video and the alleged identity of the person in it is completely irrelevant to the offence of exhibiting an obscene recording in public.
It is highly unusual and against accepted procedure in criminal prosecutions to insert such irrelevant matters into the statement of facts. In short, the representative of the Attorney General went out of his way to smear the reputation of Anwar Ibrahim.
Not being a party to the proceedings, Anwar had no opportunity to defend himself. What happened in court on June 24 was disgraceful and sickening; it is a basic rule of our legal system that court proceedings must never be used to abuse and slander absent third parties.
The events in court on June 24 is clear proof of the involvement of the highest authorities, including the police leadership and the A-G's Chambers, in the conspiracy to defame and destroy Anwar Ibrahim politically and personally.
Their pretence of impartiality and independence is laughable, and widely disbelieved by the Rakyat. It is also very disturbing that the courts have allowed the authorities to misuse court process for unlawful and unjust purposes.
- N Surendran is a prominent human rights lawyer
Court process abused to run Anwar down
Anak JB: This is a gross abuse of the court process. It is a form of slandering without the 'accused' being able to defend himself. This is gutter politics at it lowest and is meant to convince the fence-sitters. It is a dangerous plot which I believe would potentially backfire badly.
To get a balance view one should view the video presented by YB Johari Abdul (Sungai Petani MP). I am not convinced it is Anwar from day one and after viewing the snapshots of the video presented by Johari, I am convinced beyond doubt that it is not Anwar.
Alan Goh: Whether the man in the video is DSAI (Anwar) or not, it brings the worse out of the Datuk T and the authorities in abusing the court process to run down Anwar. Voters know the credibility and the past track records of these three low-down Datuk.
Malaysians can presumably conclude that the honourific title Datuk bears no significance when it can be accorded to people of such low calibre.
Anonymous_4031: Questions:
1. Was the court case an excuse to give a one-sided charade?
2. Why didn't the judge ask for the US experts to appear in court?
3. Why wasn't Anwar's lawyer called to give a rebuttal?
4. Why were the fines so low?
5. Why were the trio allowed to pay fines later?
Mikey: I am no fan of Anwar and PKR, and I am loathed to vote them. But the antics of Umno and the muddled judiciary makes it so so much easier to justify voting them.
Guess who is the loser in all these amateurish plotting? I don't think it is Anwar and PKR.
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