This Weinergate scandal thanks to Twitter is just amazing... For the first time ever a sitting U.S. Congressman has his dick pics revealed to the public. The craziest headline from this scandal is "Anthony Weiner Apologized to Bill Clinton for Penis Photo" from the folks at Comedy Central. But no joke Anthony Weiner did really apologized to Bill Clinton for the scandal. You know things are going bad for you when you are calling Bill Clinton to apologize for lewd behavior. Can't help but feeling a bit sorry for this Weiner guy. Apologizing to Bill Clinton of all people over a sex scandal... Are you serious?The only thing that was missing from the drama... Oops Weiner's wife is pregnant. There is a tabloid god and he is sick in the head. Okay, you can read all about this Weinergate scandal on Wikipedia. And right here below you can see the X-rated photo everyone is talking about. Actually it is a picture of screen shot from a video with an iPhone with a screen shot of a laptop with the actual photo. LOL... But the dick shot of a sitting U.S. Congressman nonetheless with the name Weiner. But Anthony Weiner has done what most men only wish they could; keep sexting conversations with women to under 140 characters..

Previous leaked Anthony Weiner photos:
Let this hopefully be the last Weinergate post, so here are a few resources you need to learn all you want to know:
Here is the full transcript of sexting chat conversations thanks to Radaronlinebetween Anthony Weiner and one of his sexting mistresses, Lisa Weiss, the blackjack dealer in Las Vegas.
And here are more Weinergate in the headlines:
Charlotte and Nicki have both chimed in on the Weinergate scandal, which--while primarily a gossipy, sex scandal-does seem to epitomize several troubling trends in our society: A ruling class that believes that rules don't apply to them, and culture that doesn't take commitments, such as marriage vows, seriously, and which more often seems to leave women paying the price.
Charlotte suggested that Weiner will likely have to give up his seat. I'm not so sure. As I noted here, male politicians increasingly seem to weather such scandals, taking a short-term political hit that then recedes into memory. Weiner's colleagues are distancing themselves from him now, and his chances at higher office are probably blown, but it seems unlikely that his constituents will remember this scandal next year when it comes time to vote again. If Rep. Charlie Rangel can survive massive tax evasion (laws that he was in charge of writing), it seems a safe bet that a New York Democrat can survive a sex scandal.
And certainly Weiner and his allies will be working to convince the public that this is just a personal peccadillo of no importance to his ability to perform his public job. They'll fan the idea that we Americans should be more sophisticated about sex issues.
But in fact this isn't just a sex issue. The Congressman lied repeatedly to reporters and the public, claiming that he was the victim of a crime, in order to protect himself from personal embarrassment. How can we trust this man again? As Megan McArdle suggested, he opened himself up to blackmail from anyone who could get their hands on one of these embarrassing pictures (which are apparently plentiful). This complete lack of judgment and self-control should be disqualifying.
This latest scandal is revealing in how our society treats women and some of the problems with modern feminism. Earlier this week, Charlotte responded to Jessica Valenti's celebration of the "slut walk" movement. Valenti suggests that this is a needed movement to remind men that rape isn't okay regardless of what a woman wears.
And yes, that's an important message and one that just about every civilized person in the country agrees with. Yet agreeing that rape is never okay doesn't mean that one shouldn't advise a young woman that she should consider what behaviors put her in increased danger. People are regularly warned about not parking in areas that are known for high rates of car theft. This doesn't mean that car theft is condoned or I think you invited a car thief to steal your car if you park there or leave something valuable on your front seat. But it's good information to know where these crimes tend to happen.
Years from now, I can imagine giving my daughters the warning that being drunk and scantily clad at a fraternity house will put them at a higher risk of assault. That doesn't mean that I in any way condone the assault or think that being drunk in a short skirt is "asking for it," but it's ludicrous to pretend that there isn't a higher risk of assault in certain situations.
Rape is never okay. Neither is murder, battery, assault, theft, etc. Yet the sad truth is that such crimes exist and always will. Yes, we need to work to educate the public about these crimes and prevent them from happening, but we should also encourage an honest and realistic understanding about precautions that women can consider taking personally.
How does this relate to Weinergate? Only that it's worth noting that it seems that women always pay a higher price for casual sex. Perhaps it's supposed to be very sophisticated to shrug off infidelity and a married man who exchanges explicit photos with young women who may or may not be of age. But the woman involved - the Congressman's wife and the woman who were involved in the scandal - seem likely to pay a higher price than the Congressman himself. A society that just accepts that men will men and allows the Congressman Weiners, the Schwarzenegger, the Clintons, Spitzers, and the nearly endless list of other men that cheat on their wives and take advantage of young women is really not in women's best interest.
Yet feminists like Valenti seem to conflate the promotion of casual sex as the key to women's liberation. I understand the desire to move away from a society that demonizes women who have sex outside of marriage, but it's mistake not to recognize that some conventions about sex are meant to protect women, and their destruction has serious unintended consequences for women.

Bar Refaeli (Hebrew: בר רפאלי, born June 4, 1985 in Isreal) is an Israeli model, known for her modeling work and for her relationship with actor Leonardo DiCaprio.
Rep.Anthony Weiner's wife Huma Abedin I am close enough to sleep with Hillary
Huma was born in Michigan to an Indian father and a Pakistani mother. She interned at the White House in the mid-90s and graduated from GW. If she goes on to become Chief of Staff it is entirely possible that she could broker a lasting peace in South Asia by helping to end the Kashmiri conflict. I’m just saying, if I was at the negotiation table I’d commit to any concession she proposed. Let’s give peace a chance.

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