I am a 45-year-old female. Above average IQ (double MA). Attractive. Witty. Yet I have never had a romantic relationship.
I want to be touched. I want to be loved romantically. I want to experience my sexuality. But I can't.
Because I am disabled.
PKR Rembau chief Badrul Hisham Shaharin is worried and wants the authories to continue probing the RM24million diamond ring that has been speculated to be belong to First Lady Rosmah Mansor.
While he feels vindicated by the Customs Department's confirmation that the controversial ring improted from New York's Jacob and Co existed, he fears that if unchecked, Prime Minister Najib Razak's wife may burden the country with her excessive spending.
"Her extravagance and arrogance that we see is damaging the country and Rosmah can say anything just like Imelda Marcos who did not care for the people. And in the end, the biggest contributor to Marcos' downfall was Imelda," he told Selangor TV.
Uproar upon confirmation the ring was real

"Regarding the ring, I did not make any accusation, but I only revealed a few documents on 8 July which proves the entry of an RM24.45 million diamond ring with the name Rosmah Mansor as the receiver. So I raised the issue and ask for Rosmah or any other party to state the truth."
Indeed, if the Najib administration had hoped to lay to rest the matter, they could well be mistaken. There is now doubt as to whether the ring was really returned to the importer. Furthermore, until the parties that imported it from Jacob & Co clarified their purpose in bringing in the ring, speculation would continue to rage on.
It must be noted that it was clearly stated in the Customs print-out that the ring was brought in by one Jeremy Beh Sin Tee for inspection by one Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor.
In confirming the existence of the ring, Nazri Aziz, the minister in the PM's Department, had been sparing in his information to Parliament.
"The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Comission (MACC) has referred the matter to the JKDM and JKDM has confirmed that there was no such purchase of the ring. After a few days, the ring was returned to the company which owns it," Nazri said in a written reply to DAP MP for Segambut, Lim Lip Eng on Tuesday.
Two possibilities
Speculation is now rife as to the manner in which the ring was "returned" and was it really sent back to New York as Nazri claimed. Furthermore, what was the ring doing in Malaysia and what was Rosmah's role in it? And why? Was she interested to buy the ring or had someone offered to buy the ring for her?
These are valid questions for Malaysians to raise as she plays an influential role in her husband's government. Already the first couple is dogged by a mountain of corruption scandals and abuse of power.
In Malaysia, big business has long been intertwined with politics, with cronies locked in a feudalistic system of political patronage in exchange for government deals and lucrative contracts.
Among the hottest talk in the coffeeshops are now two scenarios - one that the ring was a gift from her daughter's mother-in-law Maira Nazarbayev, who is speculated to have links with the Russian mafia, and two, that it was a gift from a Malaysian Chinese tycoon.
The word sex and disability don't go together. Can disabled people have sex? Tauba tauba! A topic best not mentioned. Even though I have been brought up in a westernised, liberated family and social strata - the topic has rarely been brought up with me. Most people think that if they start the conversation, they will hurt my feelings. Why does the topic sex frighten everyone when it comes to disabled people?
Most people think that disabled people are asexual. Most people presume disabled people do not want sex. This is absurd because it is a basic need for us, just as it is for you. Our sexual organs are far from being damaged or affected. Generally disabled people are desexualised by doctors, caregivers, friends, family, and in many cases, themselves. Even social workers and special educators don't see the importance of the topic being thrashed out in the open. Instead they infantilise the disabled person making that person the external child. They stereotype disabled people as someone to be taken care of.
Professionals and parents have an aversion to talking about sexuality and the disabled, and avoid any kind of conversation pertaining to love, sex, marriage, and intimacy. The subject is usually brushed off with a remark - 'It doesn't concern you...' Or, they would say in astonishment - 'What, disabled people want sex too?' Disabled people should be content with what they have and not want more.
As a result, many disabled people experience a lack of information as well as significant distress and anguish around their sexual and personal relationships. In college, I had numerous girl friends but only one or two boy friends who would go beyond hi and bye. This was detrimental to my growth as it is only by communicating that one grows in one's thoughts.
There has been a lot of progress, worldwide, in the last 50 years in the area of disability rights and our visibility, access, etc. Activists, including disabled activists, continue to do a marvelous job in advocating equal rights for the disabled. But even in the West, which is far more advanced in terms of access and facilities - sexuality is still a taboo. In India, due to the enormity of the barriers surrounding sexual relationships, disabled people often find it easier to deny their desires. This denial of sexual identity implies that looking for a partner or acknowledging sexuality may make disabled women, in particular, susceptible to being branded 'crude' or 'sex-mad'. We are looked at askance for even dreaming of something so scandalous!
Disabled men are not as discriminated on this front as much. They still manage to get able-bodied partners. Perhaps because for the most part, in a heterosexualrelationship, it is the women who act as nurturers or caretakers - glorified mummies!
A disabled woman is seen as unable to fulfill this role. I think men feel that if they fall in love with a disabled woman, they would have to play more of a role of a carer, than the role of a husband or lover. The infantilisation of the disabled, specially women, creates the impression that we can't nurture emotionally, run an efficient household, raise children or give sexual pleasure.
This is an absolute myth. I have just spent the last two months living alone and looking after my 94-year-old grandmother and managing 10 people - a thankless job. If I can do that, why can't I have sex? Because I must look and speak in an acceptable manner. Acceptable to society.
I have had a few close relationships with men where we discussed everything from my body, to disabled people having sex. But when it came to having sex with me, they quickly changed the topic by declaring, "You are not my type". Of course, deep down I feel rejected.
As human beings, our sexuality is inextricably linked to our overall health, happiness, and sense of wellness. Satisfaction with sexual life has been shown to be an important predictor of satisfaction with life as a whole. Therefore to be completely denied this aspect of human interaction leaves a deep empty void within us. It takes courage to speak out. I will continue to do so, even if it seems scandalous, because I understand the pain of this denial - for many like me who may not be able to express it.
Deep down I hate to think of it in that way, but it's true that the outward appearances still matter a great deal to men.
Men have traditionally been touted as the 'hungry for sex' species. With a comparatively higher sex drive than their female partner, men are often expected to assume charge while performing in bed and are held responsible for a gratifying act too.
But why are men having all the fun? Womentoo can act bold when it comes to showing off their sex drive. But how?
Dr. Deepak Arora, a sexologist elucidates, "Men love their wives to have sex and wives have sex to get love from their men, in this way they become a supplement for each other. So if the female partner starts taking an equal interest in the act of intimacy; it can bring them closer to each other and they can enjoy a healthy sexual relationship."
Relationship and sex counselor Dr. Geetu Bhardwaj supports, "Gone are the days when a 'high sex drive' was considered a male prerogative. With various sexual techniques and arousal methods, even women can enhance their sex appeal and thus give their sex drive a much needed boost. Once women empower themselves to take charge in bed, they can overtake men not only in their sex drive, but also in sexual performance."
Breaking away from the preset notion of 'men are sexually more active', we get experts to share ways as to how a woman can overtake her man in sex drive...
Take charge of foreplay: Men, in general, are not overtly interested in prolonged foreplay. So it comes as an added advantage for women to give a push to their sex drive and initiate the primary foreplay. Sex therapist Dr. Devesh Roy advices, "Women must keep in mind that the arousing acts should be intense so that the man feels that you are fully charged up for a steamy session in bed. Do not focus much on unnecessary things like cooking a meal etc that may mar the mood before it actually gets going."
Plan for a sensuous night: You'd have often seen in Bollywood flicks that the hero is decorating the room for a night of passion and is going all out to woo his lady love with surprise gifts. But why do men make way for these sexual fantasies? It's time for women to let their wild imagination spread its magic. Relationship and sex counselor Dr. Geetu Bhardwaj opines, "Keeping their sexual desires on a high, women can plan for opulent bedroom settings whereby they can have everything that hints towards their sexual desire. Right from dim lights and aroma oils to fragrant rose petals and orchids strands; create an atmosphere that is conducive for a lovemaking night."
Dress attractively: Quite often, women feel low on sex drive because they feel less sexy and attractive from inside. Hence, they wait for men to pamper them and make them feel wanted. Dr. Amita Mishra, a relationship expert however states, "Looking attractive in sexy attires like a bikini or see-through lingerie ignites the female sexual desire to get intimate with their partner and vice-versa. Even if your man is not interested in sex on a particular night, there are chances that your dressing provocatively will arouse them for a sexual session."
Exchange naughty gestures: While men always boast of their sex drive through gestures like tickling, caressing, kissing, whispering and at times publicly displaying their affection, women too should try shedding their inhibitions and acting a bit naughty. While having dinner, women can try holding their mate's hands or giving them a surprise hug when he's shirtless right after a shower. "These sexual gestures act as clear indications that a woman is much more aroused as compared to the man. This high sex drive gets translated into a wonderful chemistry in the bedroom while having sex," feels Dr. Roy.
Make kissing a memorable experience: Passionate kissing works wonders in your sexual paradise, but again don't let your man make the first move. Make him feel that you know much more than him when it comes to kissing. Try different kinds of kisses and drive him crazy. "Kissing is a quintessential part of foreplay, the actual act and after-sex moments. Women can use kissing as a weapon to stimulate their partners and at the same time also experiment with newer ways of kissing to leave their partner utterly surprised," suggests Dr. Geetu.
Don't insist too much on contraception: A short cut to let your man know that you're equally, or more, ravenous for sex is to let the things happen without much of interruption. While performing in bed, women must not insist too much on using protection and just try to enjoy the act. "Continuous reminders about using contraception make a man feel that the woman is not keen on sex and is rather overtly worried about the aftermath. So it's suggested that the pleasurable moments should be performed sans any hindrance to show a woman's craving for sex," says Dr. Amita.

We’re different, IndieMoms. And so, of course, we’re a mystery to some people. There are certain questions that people always seem to want to ask about our single life, so I say let’s just let them in on it, shall we?

This is for anyone in your life who wonders what it’s like to be you…

Women often say that men tend to ogle at their breasts and their face is the last thing they notice, and now a scientific study has found evidence to prove them right.

Scientists have found that almost half – 47 per cent – of men first glance at a woman’s breasts. A third of the “first fixations” are on the waist and hips, while fewer than 20 per cent look at the woman’s face, reports the Daily Mail in UK.

In fact, breasts are not only the first thing men look at, they also glance at them for longer than any other body part, revealed experts. Many believe that the reason behind such male tendency could be evolutionary, as women with larger chests and slim waists – such as Jennifer Hawkins, Lara Bingle and Rachael Finch – have higher levels of the female hormone oestrogen, indicating greater fertility. But the researchers conceded that there could be a more prosaic explanation


“Men may be looking more often at the breasts because they are simply aesthetically pleasing, regardless of the size,” the Daily Telegraph quoted them as saying.

“Men may be looking more often at the breasts because they are simply aesthetically pleasing, regardless of the size,” the Daily Telegraph quoted them as saying.

Ask me if it’s fun to date, because somewhere deep down, you wonder what it would be like if you were back out there…what it’s like to have sex with someone new…what you might fetch on the open market. And I’ll tell you that most of the time it is fun. Like when you find yourself at 1a.m. making out with a summer fling on a New York City sidewalk in the pouring rain. Or when you wake up to a text from a guy you had a fantastic first date with the night before that says, “Good morning, beautiful. Hope you slept well.” Yeah, that makes the 6:45a.m. scorched oatmeal/where’s my backpack/no-you-can’t-wear-an-off-the-shoulder-shirt-because-you’re-in-second-grade slog a lot more tolerable.

And then sometimes, it isn’t. Like when the guy you’ve been dating for six months suddenly tells you that he’s “confused,” and you have no idea what that means. You’re a grown woman, and a kick-ass IndieMom at that–you have waaay too much going on to let something like this get to you. And yet it does, and it’s made all that much harder because now you have to face the 6:45 slog with a sick feeling in your gut. And, of course, at no point can you let on to IndieBabe that that’s not exactly an “allergy pill” you’re taking to calm the whirring dating crazies in your head.

Ask me if I knew that my marriage was a mistake before I walked down the aisle. I know why you’re asking; you need to know if this can happen to you. No, I don’t think my marriage was a mistake. It was seven years of success…until it wasn’t. Did I sense that maybe we weren’t meant for the long run? Okay, maybe, a little (and I think he did, too). But he was lovely and I thought it was nerves that would be quelled by the security of stainless steel silverware and a warm body next to mine every night. I think a lot of brides float down the aisle in that pretty poufy dress with a corseted stomach filled with butterflies. It takes a while to know if they were actually butterflies or your instincts throwing karate kicks against your lower ribs to get your attention.

It’s ok to ask me if I get lonely. Yes, course I do. National holidays without IndieBabe can
seriously suck. Cut to midnight, New Years Eve 2008: I’m sitting alone on the side of the community pool at my parents’ condo in Boca staring at a “No Diving” sign featuring a stick figure doing exactly that, his neck dramatically and I’m guessing fatally kinked. At that moment I could relate to the poor guy.
seriously suck. Cut to midnight, New Years Eve 2008: I’m sitting alone on the side of the community pool at my parents’ condo in Boca staring at a “No Diving” sign featuring a stick figure doing exactly that, his neck dramatically and I’m guessing fatally kinked. At that moment I could relate to the poor guy.

But I also get the elation of freedom and adventures yet to be had. Your life is just the mirror opposite of mine. You have security and consistency; I have breathing room and the ability to make my life into anything I want it to be. I’ve been on the flip side of the looking glass, and I know that it’s not any better to feel like you don’t have a second to yourself and or to wonder the proverbial “Is this all there is?” It’s taken me a lot of time and many rounds of “their life looks so perfect” holiday cards to get that neither side is better or worse–they’re just different.

Ask me if I’m happy, because ultimately, that’s what you really want to know–especially if you’re asking me because you’re trying to sort out your own question of whether to stay or go. And while I would never, ever advocate for divorce, my answer is absolutely, unequivocally: yes.

Casual sex does not cause emotional or psychological damage in young people, says a new study.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota found that young adults engaging in casual sexual encounters do not appear to be at increased risk for harmful psychological outcomes as compared to sexually active young adults in more committed relationships.
While this study focused on the psychological impact, researchers warned that the physical risks of casual sex should not be overlooked.
Study author Marla E. Eisenberg and colleagues used data from Project Eating Among Teens (EAT), an ongoing study that assessed a diverse sample of 1,311 sexually active young adults.

From 2003-2004, 574 males and 737 females in Minnesota with a mean age of 20.5 were surveyed regarding sexual behaviours and emotional wellbeing.

Of the sexually active respondents, 55 per cent reported that their last sexual partner was an exclusive dating partner followed by 25 per cent whose most recent partner was a fiancée, spouse, or life partner.

Much lower percentages reported that their last sexual partner was a close but not exclusive partner (12 per cent) or a casual acquaintance (8 per cent). Over twice as many males as females reported that their last partner was casual.

Although there has been speculation in public discourse that sexual encounters outside a committed romantic relationship may be emotionally damaging for young people, this study found no differences in the psychological wellbeing of young adults who had a casual sexual partner verses a more committed partner.

“While the findings from this study show that young adults engaging in casual sexual encounters do not appear to be at increased risk for harmful psychological outcomes compared to those in more committed relationships, this should not minimize the legitimate threats to physical well-being associated with casual sexual relationships, and the need for such messages in sexuality education programs and other interventions with young adults,” Eisenberg said

Much lower percentages reported that their last sexual partner was a close but not exclusive partner (12 per cent) or a casual acquaintance (8 per cent). Over twice as many males as females reported that their last partner was casual.

Although there has been speculation in public discourse that sexual encounters outside a committed romantic relationship may be emotionally damaging for young people, this study found no differences in the psychological wellbeing of young adults who had a casual sexual partner verses a more committed partner.

“While the findings from this study show that young adults engaging in casual sexual encounters do not appear to be at increased risk for harmful psychological outcomes compared to those in more committed relationships, this should not minimize the legitimate threats to physical well-being associated with casual sexual relationships, and the need for such messages in sexuality education programs and other interventions with young adults,” Eisenberg said

In fact, I’ll even venture this: I’ve never been happier in my life. Crazy, I know, but it’s true. I have my girl, I have my sense of self, and I have the wide open possibility of a fabulous new life yet to be created.

Oh, and btw…sex with someone new? Yeah, it’s as good as you think it is.
A conversation with someone you just met at a pub could turn intimate and there are chances that you might even get lucky if things turn a little romantic. And, if a recent study is to be believed, one-night stands are increasingly turning into meaningful relationships.

Many surveys have suggested that the quality of a relationship is better for individuals who wait for things to get serious before having sex, in comparison to the those who become sexually involved right at the start. However, this new study found that a woman who is involved with a friend is 44 % more likely to stay committed and as for the men, the likelihood increases by 25%. If the same people were to get involved with a stranger or acquaintance, the odds increase by 30% for women and 43% for men.

Many surveys have suggested that the quality of a relationship is better for individuals who wait for things to get serious before having sex, in comparison to the those who become sexually involved right at the start. However, this new study found that a woman who is involved with a friend is 44 % more likely to stay committed and as for the men, the likelihood increases by 25%. If the same people were to get involved with a stranger or acquaintance, the odds increase by 30% for women and 43% for men.

“To have a meaningful relationship out of a one-night stand is absolutely wishful thinking and many people are in denial,” says Sanjana, a graduate and regular party-goer, “A one-night stand can be dangerous as it increases the chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases — not the best thing to happen, especially when one is merely looking for fun.”
The ‘friends with benefits’ concept has also been in existence for long, and although it is based on sexual gratification, which can be temporarily fulfiling, a mature mind stops one from being part of the game.

Rhea, a visual artist, who believes in being sexually experimental, says, “Having sex with random men gives one a liberated feel initially. But the down side of this behaviour is that after some time, it backfires and gives one a feeling of worthlessness. In some ways, it’s like abusing and disrespecting your body.” However, she was the one who met her mate in the most casual of circumstances. She met a Canadian national over a drink, they got talking, exchanged stories and are now in love. “It was such a beautiful feeling. We haven’t made love yet and I’m in no hurry as I’ve never felt this way before,” she says, “It may not be a one-night stand, but if the chemistry we share is good, there’s nothing stopping us from going ahead and getting into a relationship.” So, it appears that the study does have some relevance even in our country.
Psychologist Sudha says, “Couples who become sexually involved with friends or acquaintances and are open to serious relationships could end up just as happy as those who date and wait.”

However, Rhea might have been lucky, and although a random hook-up at a bar does have the potential to turn into a passionate relationship, some relationship experts say it’s not really the best idea. Clinical psychologist, Seema Hingorrani says, “Often, sexual intimacy leads the couple to believe that they can have a good relationship as well. But later, feelings of guilt creep in. In situations like this, it’s best to tread carefully as it affects the lives of several people.”

Recalling a real-life situation, Seema says, “There was this man who was married but had a one-night stand with a woman and then wanted to marry her. He left his wife and got into a live-in relationship with the new woman, only to find out later on in life that they had serious problems. He wanted to get back with his wife, but she refused to do so and instead divorced him.”

Here are some pictures of ROSMA topless on a yacht off St. Tropez. How dare the photographer take nude pictures of her without permission and then display for all to see. This is a violation of her privacy I say! LOL... Justing kidding. And yes she is wearing heels. No bikini top in sight but she is in her high heels. She shows off her curvy figure for the paparazzi again. Her curvier-than-usual figure is sparking rumors she recently had a boob job. Rosma was also seen partying it up in St. Tropez, France with Malaysian mystery businessman man Deepak the Carpetman Okay, I am not sure which one Rosma is dating or if in fact she is really dating one but British tabloids refer to a DEEPAK as ROSMA's "new fella, chubby Malaysian Playboy." ROSMA's new boyfriend is Taek Jho Low or Zhen Low I don't know but she seem to be getting really friendly with the "chubby" one. And they say Zhen Low was spending millions of dollars on bottles of the club's most expensive champagne for Paris and her drinking buddies. So I am assuming the "chubby" guy is Zhen Low but it might be Taek Jho Low.

The company is called Carpet Raya Sdn Bhd (company number 492434-H). The paid up capital of the company is RM8.7 million. The company has five directors who are also the shareholders of the company; each holding almost equal shares in the company.
But I am interested in only one of its shareholders/directors who goes by the name of Deepak -- 37 years old, unmarried, and good-looking enough to qualify for a Bollywood movie.
The company was registered ten years ago on 26 August 1999. The last accounts filed with the Registrar of Companies on 24 November 2006 shows that the company has total assets of almost RM90 million, total liabilities of about RM67 million, and reserves of more than RM12 million.
The revenue of the company for 2005 was RM122 million and the profit in excess of RM7 million. Of course, the RM7 million profit is the official or declared profit. No company in Malaysia declares its real profits anyway. So, on a revenue base of RM122 million, you can expect the real or undeclared profit to be many times that.
But that was the accounts for 2005, which was four years ago. How much more has the company made over the last four years, which they prefer to keep hidden from public view? Take my word for it. We are talking about hundreds of millions here.
The company is supposed to be in the business of selling carpets. Is the carpet business really that lucrative that one can earn hundreds of millions? RM122 million a year is sure a lot of carpets. Ah, but that is not really what the company does for a living. The carpet business is just a front. Sure, they do sell carpets. But that is not where the real money is. The real business of the company is to act as the Bagman for Rosmah Mansor, the wife of the Prime Minister .
I met the Carpetman more than a year ago. He asked to meet through a mutual acquaintance because he was alarmed that I was about to reveal that the Carpetman is actually Rosmah’s Bagman. But that was not the thing that got him all flustered. What did was the revelation I was going to make that he is not only the Carpetman who is Rosmah’s Bagman but that he is also her Toyboy.
I only do business with Rosmah, said the Carpetman. My relationship with Rosmah is only for business purposes. I am not sleeping with Rosmah, he pleaded. So please do not tell the public that I am Rosmah’s Toyboy. The impression he wanted to make is that his relationship with Rosmah is confined to the boardroom and does not extend to the bedroom.
Well, that is not what Mumtaz Jaafar says. And who is Mumtaz Jaafar? Hey, if I start talking about her then I would also have to mention her relationship with Saiful, the person who alleges that Anwar Ibrahim sodomised him. And if I start talking about that then we will end up talking about the Sodomy 2 case as well. So let’s get back to the subject of the Carpetman, Rosmah’s Bagman cum Toyboy.
The whole country is very focused on Najib Tun Razak’s extramarital affairs. Sure, every Malaysian knows about this. And every Malaysian also knows about him getting caught in a Port Dickson hotel room with Ziana Zain. In fact, Isa Samad even had photographs of Najib clad only in a towel with the delicious young thing in his bed. And Isa handed the photograph over to the then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. (And that is why Mahathir just does not understand why Najib would choose Isa to contest the Bagan Pinang by-election when it was Isa who tried to bring Najib down with the photograph).
Anyway, let’s not digress too far. As I said, every Malaysian knows about Najib’s extramarital affairs. But how many also know that Rosmah has a penchant for Bollywood types. Hell, she will even arrange datukships for them if they treat her the way she loves to be treated, if you know what I mean. And this particular chap I am talking about, the Carpetman cum Bagman cum Toyboy, is far better looking than Shahrukh Khan (or is it Datuk Shahrukh Khan now?) -- not to mention younger as well.
Yes, I have been keeping this story under wraps for more than a year now. But it is now time that the story be told. There is more, though. Deepak the Carpetman cum Bagman cum Toyboy has been very naughty. And all these naughty deeds were done on behalf of Rosmah.
In due course more will be revealed about the role of the Carpetman and how he has served Rosmah. Today is not the time to do that though. So stay tuned for further episodes of the Carpetman cum Bagman cum Toyboy of the so-called First Lady of Malaysia.

Here are some pictures of Paris Hilton topless on a yacht off St. Tropez. How dare the photographer take nude pictures of her without permission and then display for all to see. This is a violation of her privacy I say! LOL... Justing kidding. And yes she is wearing heels. No bikini top in sight but she is in her high heels. She shows off her curvy figure for the paparazzi again. Her curvier-than-usual figure is sparking rumors she recently had a boob job. Paris Hilton was also seen partying it up in St. Tropez, France with Malaysian mystery businessman man Jho Low (Taek Jho Low a.k.a. Low Taek Jho, son of property developer and businessman Danny Low) and his brother Zhen Low (Low Taek Sin). Okay, I am not sure which one Paris is dating or if in fact she is really dating one but British tabloids refer to a Low as Hilton's "new fella, chubby Malaysian Playboy." Paris Hilton's new boyfriend is Taek Jho Low or Zhen Low I don't know but she seem to be getting really friendly with the "chubby" one. And they say Zhen Low was spending millions of dollars on bottles of the club's most expensive champagne for Paris and her drinking buddies. So I am assuming the "chubby" guy is Zhen Low but it might be Taek Jho Low.
Either way, a Malaysian dude might be banging Paris. Reportedly, Zhen Low spent €2 million (£1.8 million) on the bubbly at the exclusive Byblos nightclub and then at Les Caves du Roy nightclub. Where last week Paris helped run up the most expensive bar bill ever! At least the most expensive celebrity bar bill in France's St Tropez. So Zhen is really trying to impress Paris thus Malaysia maybe getting a new strain of herpes very soon. Maybe he was competing with her ex-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt on who could splash the most cash on booze because the ex was there in St. Tropez too. According to club goers Doug tried to compete with Low by buying four gigantic bottles of Crystal but that was no match for the Malaysian businessman who then went onto buying almost all the club's entire supply of the bubbly. That is when billionaire Winston Fisher join in on the competition to see who could order more bottles of Crystal at £600 a pop for Paris and her champagne guzzling friends. Some party, right? The Telegraph report:
Either way, a Malaysian dude might be banging Paris. Reportedly, Zhen Low spent €2 million (£1.8 million) on the bubbly at the exclusive Byblos nightclub and then at Les Caves du Roy nightclub. Where last week Paris helped run up the most expensive bar bill ever! At least the most expensive celebrity bar bill in France's St Tropez. So Zhen is really trying to impress Paris thus Malaysia maybe getting a new strain of herpes very soon. Maybe he was competing with her ex-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt on who could splash the most cash on booze because the ex was there in St. Tropez too. According to club goers Doug tried to compete with Low by buying four gigantic bottles of Crystal but that was no match for the Malaysian businessman who then went onto buying almost all the club's entire supply of the bubbly. That is when billionaire Winston Fisher join in on the competition to see who could order more bottles of Crystal at £600 a pop for Paris and her champagne guzzling friends. Some party, right? The Telegraph report:
What recession? Tycoons spend £1.8 million on champagne in St Tropez
Paris Hilton watched as the rival tycoons Zhen Low and Winston Fisher competed to see who could order more £600 bottles of Cristal in a St Tropez nightclub.As Joan Collins and her friends descend on St Tropez this week for a party on board Lady Joy, the yacht owned by the American socialite Denise Rich, they have been made to look positively austere.Mandrake hears that two rival billionaires spent a staggering €2 million (£1.77 million) on champagne at Les Caves du Roy nightclub. Zhen Low, the younger brother of the Malaysian tycoon Jho Low, became involved in a competition with Winston Fisher, a New York property developer, to see who could order more £600 bottles of Cristal for their chums.Guests included Paris Hilton, the socialite, who helped the cherubic Jho celebrate his 28th birthday with a four-day party in Las Vegas last year.
In lieu this publicity, people in Malaysia are asking where Zhen Low is getting all this money to waste on Paris Hilton. And Low's father is not happy with all this unwanted publicity back at home. He is the brother of notorious partyboy Taek Jho Low, who may or may not be an arms dealer according to press reports. Nothing like a good champagne ordering contest to spice up your vacation. Low won, with the $2.6 million bill but people back at home are questioning his lifestyle and businesses. Anyway, Zhen (or Taek) should keep in the back of his mind the fact that all the money on Earth can't cure herpes. All I see in these photos is a topless herpes spreader doing her thing. In an unrelated story: all of the jellyfish around St. Tropez have contracted herpes. Click on pictures to enlarge.

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