Money is in the mind; a product of maya. Particularly at a time when the world is sinking into the quicksand of recession. So how do you survive? The story of the Mahathir perhaps Mahathir should retire first instead of advising Anwar to retire...personally don't give a pennyfart if Anwar has indeed had sex with someone who is not his wife. That is his private business. No one but no one is sinless. Not even those ulamas are. As long as he can steer Malaysia out of the bottom of the outdoor toilet that it is in now, that is all that matters. And judging from how the states under PR have been run, I am certain that he can do that Fear And Greed go hand in hand. The greed is over for Dr. M. Now it's the fear of losing everything when Anwar becomes PM. It can be seen by the statements he makes about Anwar because he knows what had been going on for 22 years with Dr. M. at the helm of the nation. Within the next six months the nation is going to witness what Barisan had been doing for the last thirty years. Be prepared to hear horror of horrors! DSAI, Mahathir got hurt as you have a descent way of retiring from politics while Dr M is still has to be here to threaten the Rakyat to ensure his children’s and cronies’ financial viability by diverting nation’s wealth such as MAS awarding fuel uplift to Petron. not only that but this corrupted ex-tyrant or Indian ' celup ' Melayu will pee in his pants too Not surprised, even Mahathir has said he would take the first plane out should Pakatan come to power. No doubt, there will be lots of skeletons in the closet. The old geyser and his band of thieves are damn afraid of change as a change will expose their wile and deceitful ways. They may escape here but in the hereafter they will pay a terrible price. Anyway, they consist of people of this world with no regard whatsoever for the next. So what is that if they can just go about thieving and be satisfied about it. This Oldman take 22 years to destroyed malaysia and he pass it to Tun Badawi for only 1 term, where he put all the blame on him for what malaysia is today..hope he will rot in jail for what he had done to us ”MALAYSIAN“ when Pakatan tookover..Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim yesterday named his former boss Dr Mahathir Mohamed as the one person who fears his rise to power the most.
Change in Malaysia is not a dream... I urged Malaysian who don't want corruption, Racial politics, dictatorship in Malaysia. Please make your wise decision to vote for PR. I sincerely pray that Anwar will arise and shine in this land. Maha tiew... whether you like it or not. It is a fact. Your heart and strength are going to fail you. Malaysia Arise, let's join strength to flight for corruption, murder, lies, racist, and slanderer etc.Mahathir shall not escape your turn to be jailed for your evil deeds these many long years!DSAI,you are right,the mere mention of your name becoming the next Prime Minister of Malaysia will make this Tun m to jump out from his bed even if he is in ICU.Such is the fear of this man for all the evil deeds he has done to YB DSAI in general and the unaccounted, ill-gotten millions he has reaped from Malaysia in particular.The more this Tun Mamak open his mouth to play his usual,old record of race and religion, the more he makes bersih Malaysians angry. about time Anwar trained his guns at Mahathir. People have been angry with Mahathir since the late 1990's and it is about time the Rakyat were reminded of his attrocities. Only Anwar can do that. Please make that dream come true for Malaysians..
There is another letter to Ehud Barak in which Dr M asks for Ehud Barak's help to make contact with the "Clinton Fund" to get funding for UMNO election campaign is the problem and the attitude or our people here, no matter what others say, they simply refuse to believe. You think these people will ever be Much as I condemn Dr M, these letters are statesman-like.Very true. This is recognition of Israel as a sovereign state. Yet our passports still ban us from going there. I guess BN and mahathir in particular have to give face to Israel because they have a lot stashed away in Israel. I once heard that many Top Ministers actually keep a lot of their wealth away in Israel because no common man in Malaysia especially the Malays will question that possibility. All this being done secretly.
Why were are these letters considered a national security in the first place?
Why are they signed on behalf of Malaysians but kept as a secret from us for some two decades? These 3 letters show no relevance at all. Why? All 3 letters are all rewritten for public viewing. If our government is really sincere, why cant the copy letter ( cos original already being sent to Israel ) on the proper letter head, carrying the Malaysian emblem, and thereafter being signed off by the premier be posted. In doing so with such rewrite, cant the 3 letters be given some dressing up? Why do I say these are rewritten letters? OK, read this, "in which the have knots would have a bigger share" ( text taken from 2nd letter ), should it be "have knots" or "have nots"? I cant imagine a letter from the highest malaysian authority can make this simple mistake. I still have 2nd thoughts as to the sincerity of the malaysian government.BN falls to the trap set by Anwar@Pakatan. Mahathir views on peace and the mutual relationship between Israel and Palestinians are very much the same like Anwar's views. So why the noise of Anwar's staments recently Umno?
Do the content of these letters reflect the position of ordinary Malaysians towards Israel?
The world looks forward to Israel under your leadership, to push forward the peace process with true determination. It is my sincere hope that the attainment of a comprehensive settlement in the region would allow Malaysia to realistically envisage a positive move towards the establishment of normal relations with Israel.
More critical is the following statement by Mahatir:
"Everyone has very nearly a fair share now and everyone is fairly satisfied. Relations between the different races in Malaysia are good and not disruptive." Mahathir wrote in the 1st letter above: "We are ready to have economic and technological cooperation with Israel but we cannot do so yet because you have not honoured commitments made by a legitimate Government of Israel We would like to think that once we have established relations with you it would be permanent"
Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad.
My government supports this positive development and views it as a first step towards the realization of a comprehensive solution to the Middle East problem As a demonstration of Malaysia�s support to this development my country was represented at the Donor�s Conference to support The Middle East Peace held in Washington and subsequently pledged a modest financial contribution to the Palestinians to assist in their new tasks My government has also offered the Palestinians technical assistance under the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme.
If the above is the case, then why do you dispute that Bumiputeras have already achieved 30% equity in the economy? Why keep quashing that when in fact, pretty much everything is controlled already?
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