A few days ago we got to see Emily Ratajkowski going full frontal for Treats Magazine and Treats! has just released some of the videos for her newest full frontal photoshoot.
Emily is highlighted on Wiki for appearing as Tasha on the Nickelodeon sitcomiCarly but that page is going to have to be updated to reflect some of the more recent stuff she has done... Like this truly AWESOME photoshoot for Treats Magazine.
These new behind-the-scenes videos of Emily posing for Treats! are truly amazing. I went through and took a bunch of screen caps (below) and they aren't all shots of her boobs or clean shaven lady parts. I made sure to include a few ass shots and a few shots of Emily as she is gazing into the camera because those shots are just as beautiful as the ones where we can see her amazing boobs.
This Emily Ratajkowski chick is beautiful from head to toe!
Chua Tee Yong to blame for Chua Soi Lek's adultery?? He did not stop the father from cheating on the mother?? Don't insult the intelligence of Malaysians please!Go blame your wife for your hotel room antics. Ask her why she did not stop you. Or blame that woman. No, actually it was Pakatan's fault too. Go to hellIt is no wonder that his response to being caught on video while fornicating was that he was sorry that he was caught. His betrayal to his wife and family did not matter at all. Your depravity knows no bound. You know what; you should not blame yourself for having sex with Yam Yam in the hotel. You should blame that woman, and also the hotel for not checking the hidden camera. The more you talk, the more you alienate the people you want to win over. At least the MB has credentials from the corporate world. What do you have? No real world experience, i.e. zilch! Oh I forgot. You do have an adulterous father who has paved the way for you .... A position which you would never have gotten to without him. Congratulations "YB".people in power have the time to go through the nitty gritty of everything. They have a team of professionals in advising and planning for them. They will make decisions based on these professionals. What is this young whelp know of administrating a government or a company?at first you accused the Selangor Government of bailing out Talam to the tune of billions. Then you receded to talking about irrelevant details without understanding the overall picture of the deal. If I may ask you a direct question, is there a billion ringgit bail out or not? If there is, then how come you stopped singing that song? If not, then you owe all of us an apology. Looks like you do not know the answer. The way I see it, you are probably not even fit to be a student on matters of corporate restructuring because you don't seem to be able to grasp commercial reality with deals such as this one with Talam. Go back to school and revisit the subject with your professors. Where did you say you qualified from? Maybe someone should check up the credibility of the university.This famous and corrupt MCA pornstar's son is not fit to be the deputy minister of agriculture as he cannot handle this massive corruption of " Cowgate ". This kuchi rat is a nobody trying desperately to be somebody and seeking attention. Chua, let me tell you that you can try as much as you want, we Selangorians have full faith in our MB and are very happy with his work. You are not even 1/3 of what he is. The only thing you are is another small fry with an equally small brain desperately seeking attention. Is this your porn star father's way of preparing you to take over MCA? Just make alot of noise with no substance
"It' ain't over till the fat lady sings." We have all heard this popular allusion to the folly of rushing to judgment, and its accompanying image of the overweight soprano in braids and horned-helmet in the role of Wagner's Brünnhilde. It's commonly believed to refer to Wagner's Siegfried, where Brünnhilde doesn't appear until the final scene of a very long (5 hrs. 20 min.) opera. The stereotype of the over nourished opera singer reflected the reality of what past generations of opera-goers had been accustomed to seeing on the stage. Countless reasons for this phenomenon were offered up, but the most popular seemed to be that large girth is necessary for producing big sound.
Things began to change in the middle of the last century. Artists began to demonstrate a new commitment to delivering performances where the dramatic content was as outstanding as the vocal delivery. This was new -- singers had been accustomed to delivering their lines with static dignity, and a world of new possibilities began to open up.Maria Callas experienced a much-discussed period of weight loss in the 1950s, and brought a level of glamour and dramatic conviction that was a revelation to opera audiences.
Current audiences have come to expect much of our opera singers. Vocal standards are higher than ever, and while delivering the most demanding music, singers must engage in sword play, physical assaults, and other challenging stage direction. Today, in order to get through a complete opera, especially in a lead role, singers must be as fit physically as they must be vocally.
The growing prevalence of the media, including television and DVD recordings, requires singers to be almost as concerned with their appearance as with their voices. Especially in Europe, opera stars grace the pages of fashion magazines often. Marie Claire Italiarecently ran a story on the five sexiest men of opera, which prompted a Facebook post by Florida Grand Opera asking which singers had been left out. The result was a flurry of comments that led to this very blog post.
The fact is, today's opera stars, men and women alike, must have the whole package. They need to be as convincing in their appearance as they are in their singing. Here is a slideshow featuring some of opera's most striking singers -- each a world-class voice and a rewarding sight to see on stage.
"Hope Springs," the cringingly funny mid-life comedy about a marriage that has lost its sexual spark, seems to have struck a chord with audiences in its opening weekend. It's a departure for the movie industry, which usually creates the impression that everyone is having mind-blowing sex with gorgeous partners, but it more closely tracks what's really happening behind many couples' closed doors.
Even though we live in one of the most sexualized cultures ever, Americans are having less sex than they were in the 1950's. In fact, according to the American Medical Association (AMA), 40 million adults in relationships are not having sex at all, and a third of all women report a lack of interest in sex. No wonder people have resonated with Meryl Streep's and Tommy Lee Jones' characters as they try to restore intimacy in what has become a sexless marriage.
As a practitioner of Chinese medicine specializing in reproduction and sexual health, I've talked with thousands of people over the years about their sex lives. So I've heard over and over again about how much sex people are not having, how they just don't feel much like it, how they are too tired or too stressed to even think about it. But I also hear, with equal fervor from women like Kay, Meryl Streep's character in "Hope Springs," how much they want to want sex. So I'm always happy to be able to tell them there are simple solutions available, and that the ancient Taoist founders of Chinese medicine wrote it all down thousands of years ago. Their wisdom offers modern couples key insights about how to want -- and have -- great sex.
That's what my upcoming book "Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido" is all about, but in a nutshell: the Taoists understood that good sex is important to a person's health and happiness; that good sex is important to the health of a relationship; and that good sex always involves the mutual flow of energy between partners, with both people giving and receiving it. And that all those things are themselves intimately entwined. If sex isn't creating energetic connection, and powering both you and the relationship, then over time it is likely to drop off. As in, over a cliff.
But having sex again -- good sex -- can have you back scaling the heights. My single best piece of advice to anyone who wants to want to have sex, but hasn't really been feeling it, is to go ahead and do it anyway. Pretend you are in a sneaker commercial and just do it. I don't mean to sound glib, and I know it seems easier said than done. But there's real Chinese medicine behind the advice -- and a proven track record amongst my patients that it works. The Chinese medicine philosophy is that having sex creates connection, moves stagnant energy and restores balance -- both within you, and between partners. Balance, connection, and flowing energy are what you need to feel your sexual desire. In other words, having sex makes you want more sex.
Assuming it's good sex. And the Taoists have that covered, too. They offer plenty of meditations, positions and techniques designed to ensure the sex is good. As "Hope Springs" proclaims, "Sometimes to keep the magic, you need to learn a few tricks." The following is just one example. It's an exercise designed by the Taoists specifically to move stagnant sexual energy in the body, circulate sexual energy from the pelvis through the rest of the body, and find a place of balance from which to make a sexual connection with someone else. I call my simplified version The Loop. It combines breathing with visualization into a meditative practice.
Practicing The Loop will help you tap into your own sexual energy if you've been out of touch with it, and help you cultivate more of it. And it will enhance sexual pleasure. It is also, speaking very practically, a great way to get started, especially if, like the couple in "Hope Springs," your drought has been long.
The Loop
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed. Imagine a shallow bowl nestled inside your pelvis -- a bowl filled with warm oil. Now imagine a tube or straw running along your spine. Inhale, and as you do, imagine the warm oil coursing up through the tube, as if led by your breath, moving from your pelvic area up to the very top of your head. Hold your breath in for a count of three (or five, as you get more experienced). Then exhale, imagining the warm oil flowing down, along a line in the center of the front of your body, from your head through your mouth, across your chest, down through your abdomen, and back into the bowl in your pelvis. Hold your breath out as the bowl finishes filling, then after three to five seconds begin again with an inhale. The idea is to create a continuous loop -- and run through it about six times.
With practice you can learn to do this loop with your partner, synchronizing your breathing so one person breathes in as the other breathes out. Expert loopers learn to do this exercise whilst they are having sex, timing the breathing and energetic exchange with the rhythm of intercourse. My patients who have learned The Loop almost always love it. They happily report that their experience with The Loop helps them to feel more balanced and connected and, not coincidentally, more like having sex. Or could the renewed sexual desire come from the way The Loop leads to more intense orgasms?
"I had the dream again last night," a engaged client tells me with a slight tone of shame in her voice. "You know, the dream where I'm having sex with my ex. Every time I have that dream I wake up feeling horribly guilty. Here I am in bed with my fiancé and I've practically had sex with my ex. And it was good sex, too. What does this mean? Does it mean I'm still in love with my ex and I don't really love my fiancé?"
That would be the most obvious and understandable interpretation, especially when the client describes that when she wakes up she's filled with longing for the ex. She says it will usually take her about 10 minutes to pull herself out of the magnetic dream state and remind herself that she's not actually with her ex. And then it's a hard thud down to the reality that her everyday feelings for her fiancé could never compete with the ecstatic and consuming feelings in the dream.
I invite you to pause here to ask yourself what you're thinking: Are you thinking that she's with the wrong guy, that if she were really in love with her fiancé then she wouldn't be having these dreams about her ex, that the dream is a message that she's unfulfilled sexually by her fiancé and a harbinger that her marriage is doomed to fail? Or do you understand that dreams are signposts to the soul and that the images in dreams are metaphors for aspects of oneself that need attention?
I'm guessing you're thinking the first, as it's the most logical and obvious interpretation. But here's the clincher: Dreams aren't logical! Have you ever had a dream that all of your teeth fell out? Was the dream a sign that your teeth were about to fall out? Not likely. Or how about the archetypal dream that you're walking around the supermarket in your underwear? A sign that you're going to forget to get dressed that day? I don't think so. We generally understand that dreams are bizarre, illogical, and sometimes downright absurd, yet why are we so quick to assume the obvious and logical interpretation about an engaged woman's dream about having sex with her ex?
I now invite you to suspend your attachment to the logical interpretation and go along for a ride on the wings of Jungian dream interpretation. From a Jungian perspective, sex dreams have nothing to do with sex at all and everything to do with expressing the soul's journey toward wholeness and uniting with the underdeveloped aspects of ourselves. According to Jung, when a woman dreams about having sex with a man it's an indication that she's needing to connect with the masculine aspect of herself, referred to as the animus. Likewise, a man's inner feminine is his anima, also known as his muse or siren. When we connect with this opposing energy inside of ourselves, we're also connecting to our creativity and spirituality.
Because of our cultural obsession with romance, we immediately understand sex dreams as indicators of actual urges toward the opposite sex instead of symbols of inner needs or drives. As Robert Johnson writes in "We: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love":
"Romantic love is the single greatest energy system in the Western psyche. In our culture it has supplanted religion as the arena in which men and women seek meaning, transcendence, wholeness, and ecstasy."
And on anima (for men) and animus (for women):
"For men, the symbol of soul is the image of woman [the symbol of the spirit is the image of man]. If a man is aware of this and knows when he is using the image of woman as the symbol of his own soul, then he can learn to relate to that image as symbol and to live his soul inwardly... Until he learns to confront the motives, desires, and unlived possibilities of his own secret heart, he can never be complete within or genuinely fulfilled. That power within, which constantly urges us to experience our unlived possibilities and values, is the most awesome force in human life. Anima is that force for men: She is the soul. [Animus for women: He is the spirit.]"
Now let's examine the dream through this new lens, remembering that every element of a dream represents some part of the dreamer's unlived life. This is how I guided my client:
"How would you describe your ex?" I asked
"He's very outgoing, extroverted, intelligent, charismatic. He's also a jerk and not someone I could ever build a life with."
"Are those positive qualities things that you would like to have more of in your own life?"
"Yes, definitely. But I end up projecting them onto my partner and wishing that he was more social and extroverted."
"Yes, that's easy to do. If you could peel the projection off of your partner and recognize that these dreams are your soul's yearning for wholeness, to grow these underdeveloped parts of yourself, you wouldn't feel so disturbed by them. How are you feeling in general in your life right now?" I asked.
"Pretty bored. I don't love my job and I know I need to think about a career change. I've been feeling pretty bland for a while now."
"Do you notice any correlation between when you're feeling bland and bored and when you have these dreams about your ex?"
"Well, yes, now that I think about, I usually have a dream like this after a particularly boring day at work, and the thought I have is, 'Really? Is this it for the rest of my life?' I have the urge to blame my fiancé for my boredom but I know it's not his responsibility to make me feel fulfilled and happy. I thought it was but now I know better! I just don't know what else I would do with my life."
"That's a great question to explore," I responded. We spent the rest of the session talking about her passions and interests, and how many of those had fallen away in recent years. We talked about how she could access the more social, extroverted parts of herself. As we spoke, the intense power of the dream fell away and she could see the dream figure of her ex as a symbol for uniting with parts of herself that are longing to grow.
It can be particularly disturbing to dream about sex with an ex during an engagement. This is when many of clients and e-course members find their way to my virtual doorstep and one of the first topics of conversation often centers around an ex. It can take a lot of time and attention to understand that the dreams are not an indication that they're with the wrong guy but an indication that it's an opportune time to grow the underdeveloped aspects of oneself, whether a deeper connection to one's creativity, spirituality, aliveness, fulfillment, or connection with the world in a meaningful way. When my clients can approach the dreams through this lens, they embrace the opportunity of their transition into marriage and take a strong first step toward the person they want to become on the other side of the wedding day.

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