On Wednesday, Karnataka State Women’s Commission chairperson C Manjula was quoted to have said, “Home stay parties mislead young girls.” Apart from condemning the attack she thought it fit to mention that holding parties in remote places “gives rise to suspicion (about what’s going on)”. “I will hold discussions with the university vice-chancellor and principals of colleges in the city to find solutions to the issue of protection of young women students,” she said. Some other politicians too have expressed similar opinions.
Amid all the outrage over the Mangalore attack, Guwahati molestation, or even the bar-busting ways of Vasant Dhoble, a hockey stick-wielding police officer in Mumbai, you can hear murmurs endorsing the raids. The complaints are: What are young girls doing at a pub in the night? Why are they showing their bare backs and legs? Isn’t society getting corrupted by their beer-swigging ways?
Half of India is under 25, but many are busy haranguing the young for partying. Among those are politicians and a “respected” section of civil society. The problem with such moralizing is that it takes an extreme position by looking only at excesses that can happen at parties. It lies in assigning a moral tag to partying, of seeing a sexual romp or a drunken brawl at every party. The argument is as absurd as saying if television has captured legislators watching porn in the legislature, question the presence of the media.
Don’t know about Malaysia but in America when you are accused of adultery and you reply “no comment” it means you are guilty as hellNazri Aziz has yet to say he has been faithful to his wife and declare he is not the man pictured with an unidentified woman in several compromising position with the woman on top of him. For the honor of your wife and your own respect in the eyes of the nation you represent, prove it is not you and a mistress or a cheap whore. Why so salient? You are usually so out spoken on matters of morality. Hey Narzi, have you seen all the websites, forums and blogs because Malaysians are saying it is you in the pictures. You own people think you are a stupid man for taking pictures. What Nazri, what? Were you young and stupid when you took the pictures because they look like they were taken only a few years ago. Even UMNO party members are talking behind you back and they are not happy. Or look at your Wiki Biography, your honor is in question man. We know where your son gets it from because you are an awesome (sarcastically) Muslim.
The first picture show Anak Nazri, Malaysia’s number one drunk and the son of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Tan Sri Abdul Aziz with his number one woman. The second and third pictures show Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz himself with his number two or three or number four woman assuming his wife is number one. LOL… Who knows the real ranking of the unidentified woman on top of Nazri Aziz in that bed? He may have hundreds for all we know. She might just be a random whore for all we know. Hopefully he himself is unable to identify her if she is just one of the random prostitute he visited over the years, or she might already be a dead woman.
The rest of the pictures show the younger and very lawless Nazri with his many girlfriends, his alcohol and his friends all enjoying the fantastic life of the elites in Malaysia. Muslims are not supposed to drink alcohol, so be sure to take note ofAnak Nazri with a glass of wine or a can of Heineken in his hand on several different occasions. These pictures would make for great evidence in a Syariah Court. Lets not even mention the lesbian kissing of his girlfriends for his viewing pleasure. The Nazri boy is a corrupting influence on his girls. But this Anak Nazri kid really know how to have fun, but if he is going to live like this he should reconsider his Islamic faith. Because he is breaking every law Muslim must live by. He seems to be the worse Muslim since Osama bin Laden. Lol, I joke I Joke.
Nice bitches! And they do whatever he want them to do.
What then does the anti-partying brigade want? An invitation that reads thus perhaps: “Join us for Rahul’s birthday party on Saturday on the lawns of Madhur Vilas Hotel where we’ll get high on fresh nimbu-paani and jal-jeera. Bring a carrier of Mama’s food if you’re hungry. Time: 1pm to 3pm. Dress code: Trousers and full-sleeved shirts for men, but dhotis and kurtas preferred. Women only in nine-yard saris and please cover up your curves. Topic of discussion is restricted to how our governments are taking the country forward. Songs in praise of their work are welcome. Note: 3pm deadline is not negotiable, because members of the moral police have been called to film the goings-on from the gallery.” watching CNN and notice they are fully covering the story of the Muslim woman sentenced to be caned for drinking beer in Malaysia. And because of the international coverage she has won a delayed from her punishment until after the fasting month of Ramadan. Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno was sentenced by a Islamic religious court last month to six strokes for doing the the same thing as a minister’s son. She was taken into custody in northern Perak state by religious officials who were to transport her to a jail outside Kuala Lumpur where the caning was to be carried out. But after travelling a short distance, the vehicle returned and she was abruptly freed.readmore
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