"Now the standards have nothing to do with the veil, which is a personal choice, but are all about professional skills and intellect," she said.
State-owned television, which employs nearly 40,000 staff, is among the largest employers of public servants in the country. It has long been closely associated with the ruling elite and plagued by rampant corruption.
Under Hosni Mubarak's government, which was toppled in last year's uprising, female TV employees who wore the veil would be asked to take jobs off-camera.
Some sued against the policy and won, but an information ministry run by staunch regime loyalists ignored the rulings, and enforced a de facto ban. Mubarak's predecessors followed a similar line.
The end result was that the faces on state TV mirrored those of the wives of the ruling elite, where the style was set by women such as the well-coiffed first lady, Suzanne Mubarak.
Change of guard
Mubarak's exit and the subsequent election of Morsi put a new face on power.
Morsi wears an Islamic beard, and the new First Lady Naglaa Mahmoud covers not just her hair but the entire upper half of her body, minus her face - a veiling style associated with the working class and female members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Most Muslim Egyptian women wear some form of head covering - from stylish scarves to the full face-covering veil, or niqab.
Privately-owned television networks have long employed veiled presenters, and a number of famous actresses wear veils and appear in soap operas aired on state TV.
Hotel and airline workers were also discouraged from covering their heads, working in industries where former governments apparently wanted to promote a vision of modernity considered incompatible with veiling.
The changes on state television come against a backdrop of concern over a major reshuffling of the editors of state media last month.
In several incidents, journalists say, the new editors-in-chief have censored anti-Islamist columnists. In others they have fawned on Morsi as they once did on Mubarak.
State-owned October magazine ran a cover page last month depicting the president as a knight riding a horse and with a subtitle: "The revolution takes off".
"I want to see state media tell the truth and to stop serving the ruler, whoever the ruler is," said Farida el-Shoubashi, a media expert. "I don't want the state media to tell me that the president weeps while he prays. I want to know how to the president is going to lift the country's battered economy."
It is no secret that I love the British "Lad Mag" girls. I have posted tons of Vikki Blows, Keeley Hazell, Lucy Pinder, and Sophie Howard. But Our absolute favorite, Vikki Blows is back and this time she is live on German television. Wait. What? German! Yeah, it's a bit weird, but don't worry, those Germans are pretty permissive when it comes to sex and nudity, as you can see from all these Vikki Blows topless pictures from a show called Taff which is similar to American shows like Extra orAccess Hollywood. But apparently with nudity, so it is kinda like those shows however a lot better. Anyway, we normally see uber-sexy Vikki Blows in magazine photo shoots. These behind the scenes candids from some German TV live show may not be as slick and produced but we never turn down a chance to see Vikki Blows do her thing. Vikki was also kind enough to bring along all her topless friends. Isn't that nice of her? But more importantly, she brought her own amazing huge tits and showed some serious pink nipples.
Hot Venezuelan model Aida Yespica danced topless as a guest on an Italian late night show. Aida Yespica look like she belong on stage in a strip club instead of on television. I have no idea what TV show it is or what it is happening here, but they need to bring the show to America ASAP. Whatever show it is, they had the right idea when they got Venezuelan beauty queen (and WAG, of course) dancing aroundtopless in a thong while using her hands to cup her tits after she stripped on stage. In her erotic appearance, Aida tired and succeed in pleasing the crowd. I say she tired to please the crowd because I cannot think of any other reason behind this performance. Conan O'Brien could never get a hot model to strip down to her thong and dance for his audience. Americans could learn a lot from the Italians.Majalah Tiga (now known as Majalah 3) is a popular Malaysian documentary program which is currently aired on TV3. It is shown at 9:00 pm every Saturday with repeats of old episodes aired at alternate times. This programme is previously presented by Norzie Pak Wan Chek. Now it is presented bt Nurul Syuhada Ain.
Majalah Tiga is the first ever documentary programme produced by TV3 since 1987 and garners about 3 million viewers each year. The various topics that are discussed in Majalah Tiga include the environment, science and technology, biology as well as humanitarian issues.
In recent years, Majalah Tiga have focused on issues regarding the plight of people in countries that were hit by war or natural disasters. For example their report on the Palestinian refugee situation in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Other countries that have been hightlighted by the show are China, Thailand, Pakistan, Sudan and more. This show is related to Bersamamu; a reality based television program that highlight the hardship of the hard-core poor, terminally ill and severely disabled as a means to help them.
Look what we have here, I don't know who the hell this is but lets throw it against the wall and see if it stick. Someone sent in these naked pictures said to be of a female Malaysian TV personality by the name of Norazlina Redzuan with the following email to the GutterUncensored@yahoo.com email address:
Hi Mr Gutter,
This are apparently pictures of Norazlin Readzuan, former host of Majalah 3, which was a popular Malay language Malaysian documentary.
Please credit Keshminder Singh from MPSJ if you decide to post this up.
Make what you want with it. But it seems like some local politically motivated stuff I usually avoid however I did ask for more scandalous submissions. And I did say you can submit content to the blog under any name you chose. And it has a naked chick so I am posting it.

Oh, hello! Is that a Salma Hayek nipple slip on live German TV? Sorta, kinda, almost, but let's go for yeah. Its good news for those of you that have always wanted to see a tiny sliver of Salma Hayek’s nips. Big boob Salma was a guest on German talk show Wetten Das, and had to wear a Bavarian-style outfit, complete with extreme cleavage. Salma Hayek's 36C cups flow over in skimpy Bavarian Dirndl dress. The dress still left most of her boobs showing as the dress had a very low cut neckline. And Salma was busting out of her bustier as well, and showing a bit of nip as well. The Sun reports:
The Latina actress not only has a pretty face and great body, but she also has a cleavage to die for. And she made the most of her God-given talents on German TV show Wetten Dass...? by wearing a tight-fitting, traditional Bavarian dress. The stunning actress was joined by top fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who couldn't take his eyes off her ample charms."
You'll probably never get to see a hot Latina with a gigantic rack in a Dirndl dress like this again without hiding the $2,000 credit card bill from your wife, so enjoy this nip slip. Now for you purists, and anatomy freaks, yes, it was just areola, but that's good enough to call it a nipple slip in my book. The actress was forced to wear the outfit after she lost a bet with a member of the audience. Click on pictures to enlarge.The hijab has been the centre of intense political debate between secularists and Islamists [AFP]
Egyptian state television has lifted a decades-long ban on veiled female news presenters, whom successive secular-leaning regimes had barred from going on air.
In a cream-coloured headscarf and a dark suit, Fatma Nabil appeared on Sunday to read the 1200pm news bulletin.
State TV said this was the first such appearance by a woman with her hair covered since the channel was established a half century ago.
The ban on female news readers wearing the Islamic veil had long been criticised by liberals and human rights activists as an infringement on personal freedoms - particularly in a country where the vast majority of adult women cover their heads.
However, it was the latest move by authorities under new Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to make sweeping changes in state-controlled media.
Just a few weeks ago, the Islamist-dominated upper house of parliament or Shura Council, shuffled editors of state-run media and most of the 50 new appointees were either Islamists or their political allies.
Egypt's journalists' union has accused Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood group of trying to make the media its mouthpiece.
Many Egyptians fear Morsi and the powerful Brotherhood, which was outlawed and persecuted under former regimes, will give priority to Islamist interests at the expense of deep reform of the bloated and inefficient bureaucracy or pressing needs such as widespread poverty and economic crisis.
'Personal choice'
TV official Mohammed Fathi said that Nabil's appearance would encourage many other women who wished to wear the veil but had feared losing their jobs.
Nabil had worked for a year in the Muslim Brotherhood TV network Misr 25 after she was barred by state TV from appearing on air because of her veil.
With Morsi's election and the appointment of the Salah Abdel-Maksoud of the Muslim Brotherhood as the new information minister, she said she was given the "green light" to come back to state TV.

Oh, hello! Is that a Salma Hayek nipple slip on live German TV? Sorta, kinda, almost, but let's go for yeah. Its good news for those of you that have always wanted to see a tiny sliver of Salma Hayek’s nips. Big boob Salma was a guest on German talk show Wetten Das, and had to wear a Bavarian-style outfit, complete with extreme cleavage. Salma Hayek's 36C cups flow over in skimpy Bavarian Dirndl dress. The dress still left most of her boobs showing as the dress had a very low cut neckline. And Salma was busting out of her bustier as well, and showing a bit of nip as well. The Sun reports:
The Latina actress not only has a pretty face and great body, but she also has a cleavage to die for. And she made the most of her God-given talents on German TV show Wetten Dass...? by wearing a tight-fitting, traditional Bavarian dress. The stunning actress was joined by top fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who couldn't take his eyes off her ample charms."
You'll probably never get to see a hot Latina with a gigantic rack in a Dirndl dress like this again without hiding the $2,000 credit card bill from your wife, so enjoy this nip slip. Now for you purists, and anatomy freaks, yes, it was just areola, but that's good enough to call it a nipple slip in my book. The actress was forced to wear the outfit after she lost a bet with a member of the audience. Click on pictures to enlarge.The hijab has been the centre of intense political debate between secularists and Islamists [AFP]
Egyptian state television has lifted a decades-long ban on veiled female news presenters, whom successive secular-leaning regimes had barred from going on air.
In a cream-coloured headscarf and a dark suit, Fatma Nabil appeared on Sunday to read the 1200pm news bulletin.
State TV said this was the first such appearance by a woman with her hair covered since the channel was established a half century ago.
The ban on female news readers wearing the Islamic veil had long been criticised by liberals and human rights activists as an infringement on personal freedoms - particularly in a country where the vast majority of adult women cover their heads.
However, it was the latest move by authorities under new Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to make sweeping changes in state-controlled media.
Just a few weeks ago, the Islamist-dominated upper house of parliament or Shura Council, shuffled editors of state-run media and most of the 50 new appointees were either Islamists or their political allies.
Egypt's journalists' union has accused Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood group of trying to make the media its mouthpiece.
Many Egyptians fear Morsi and the powerful Brotherhood, which was outlawed and persecuted under former regimes, will give priority to Islamist interests at the expense of deep reform of the bloated and inefficient bureaucracy or pressing needs such as widespread poverty and economic crisis.
'Personal choice'
TV official Mohammed Fathi said that Nabil's appearance would encourage many other women who wished to wear the veil but had feared losing their jobs.
Nabil had worked for a year in the Muslim Brotherhood TV network Misr 25 after she was barred by state TV from appearing on air because of her veil.
With Morsi's election and the appointment of the Salah Abdel-Maksoud of the Muslim Brotherhood as the new information minister, she said she was given the "green light" to come back to state TV.
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