Thursday, 20 September 2012


MCA President Chua Soi Lek playing destructive role of Utusan Malaysia seeking to frighten Chinese voters with lies and falsehoods in the same manner Utusan trying to scare Malay voters

The MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek is playing the destructive role of Utusan Malaysia seeking to frighten Chinese voters with lies and falsehoods in the same manner Utusan has been trying in the past three years to scare Malay voters with its daily staple of lies and falsehoods.
The role of Utusan Malaysia, the official organ of UMNO, is to violate all ethics of journalism to systematically and unconscionably concoct and dispense lies and falsehoods about the DAP and the Pakatan Rakyat to stampede the Malay voters to vote solidly for UMNO.Innocence of Muslims: How fiction creates realityWe live in a world where the cultural production of symbols shapes who we are, what we do in our lives,
Why am I angry? MCA is nothing but a tool and a decor piece for big brother (and that is UMNO)!
Did they fight on behalf of the rakyat (people) or the political bully (UMNO)? Look at the MCA’s failures and actions.
1. Failure to get United Chinese School Examination (UCE) recognized.
2. Failure to settle the PKFZ issue.
3. Failure to condemn corruption and rent seeking in general.
4. Failure to said even a word when Teoh and othgers died in custody.
5. Failure to oppose negotiated tender at the national level. The hypocrites make lots of noise that no Chinese got DID contract in Penang.
6. Failure to oppose all the rent seeking projects, IPP’s, IWK, Syabas, highways.
7. Failure to condemn public land grab.
8. Failure to use MCA paper for transparency, but instead using it for propaganda.
9. Failure to condemn Utusan.
10. Failure to condemn Ibrahim himself.
11. Failure to response to Nazri’s comment that MCA is like an abused wife.
12. Failure to get scholarship for the many deserving and in need.
13. Failure to speak out against Christian bashing during the Allah issue.
14. Failure to support Bersih for a clean, free and fair elections, and instead took to lying (Tung Shin hospital) and apple polishing big brother.
15. Failure to speak out again AP’s and Proton. Both increase the costs of cars for all Malaysians.
16. Failure to advise Namewee, whose fault was using vulgar language to condemn racist principals.
17. Failure to speak out against the NFC scandal, of which MCA has a deputy minister.
18. Failure to speak out for the rakyat on the case of the Scorpene deal.
19. Threaten to withdraw from all government positions, if they get less seats than 2008.
20. Supporting all policies, even if they hurt the rakyat, as long as they get a share of the cake, perhaps some crumps will do.
21. Supporting football betting, just because his boss wants it, falsely claiming it to be non-Malay right. (It may be good for one Chinese, but what about the thousands who will suffer as a result.)
22. Supporting the Evidence Act, OSA, ISA, PPPA, EA and other repressive laws.
23. Supporting the man made water and electricity crisis in Selangor.
24. Supporting and maybe profiting from all the speed traps set up all along the highway. (We support speed trap as deterrence, not profit.)
25. Supporting hudud in Trengganu and Kelantan when it was passed in the state assembly. What hypocrites!
26. Becoming the tool of a political bully, by supporting blindly, (“through thick and thin”).
Consequently, I tend to feel MCA = Malaysian Company of Accomplices
By decree, Chua Soi Leg will now be known as Hudud Chua while Chua Tai Yeong will be Talam Chua.. Easy to remember…..
But some researchers have blamed the Umno-led counter-procession that began at the residence of then Selangor mentri besar Datuk Harun Idris for the violence.A conspiracy theory explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general publi
“Bersih condemns any act of violence by any quarters. I would say the 250,000 people yesterday came in peace and did not come for violence.
“All purported acts of violence only took place after teargas was fired. Until then, we had full control of the situation before it all went awry,” she said.

Soiled Dick Licky give up your position in MCA (Must Come Again) lah and lick me. Remember the old times? This time we change hotels so it’s harder to take pictures of us. And don’t worry about hudud, my darling. The DAP has strong principles and an equal voice in Pakatan, unlike your spineless party, my darling. Always sucking up to Najis. The only thing you should be sucking is between my legs, darling.

For instance, Utusan Malaysia had been publishing downright lies and falsehoods about the DAP,The politics of telling the truth Why has the mainstream US media failed to get past the rhetoric of political ads during this presidential campaign? READMORE

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