Many classrooms, especially in higher education institutions offer a high degree of diversity which is both a boon and a challenge. In the initial few months, it is easy for students to revert to their comfort zones and stay with their ‘type’. This is not the healthiest development as these cliques could even become gangs.
Even if that does not happen, it is a sad waste of an opportunity to learn from a larger community. One of the most common reports is one of a North South divide. Separated by language and food preferences, and received wisdom on both, students and those in charge of their pastoral care must work hard to bridge this gap. It is one of the easiest to break, unlike religion or caste and the hardest sex. Girls and Boys have separate living arrangements. With limited hours to study and play together, they have very different experiences of student life. This diversity is probably the toughest to engage with and deliver learning to both groups in the classroom.
The objective really is for all groups to be together in the same classroom, working together as a team. They do not need to be identical, or work as one, but together, like a well oiled machine. For this to happen, one does need professional norms to be laid down and implemented in the classroom.
Diversity needs an explicit acknowledgment of differences and a cognitive assertion of their immateriality.
EXCLUSIVE watch this
He got the girl — and he got paid!
The high-school senior caught on camera locking lips with his hot-to-trot teacher won a bet with four of his buddies to see who would hook up with her first, The Post has learned.
Eric Arty, 18, beat his pals — who each ponied up $100 — to win the jackpot as well as the affections of glamorous global-studies teacher Julie Warning, 26.
“It was a bet with a group of his friends,” said Andrew Cabrera, a junior at Manhattan Theater Lab HS, where Warning worked until Tuesday, when she was reassigned to an administrative job.
GRINNER: A smug-looking Eric Arty yesterday is shown his Post front-page sexploits by a pal in Washington Heights.
IN HIDING: Teacher Julie Warning, here in Facebook photo, failed to show up for reassignment yesterday after being yanked from class for romantic involvement with Eric Arty (inset).
“They gave him the $500 [pot],’’ Cabrera said, referring to Eric and the four other contenders who made their wager about three months into the school year.
Their romance was first reported yesterday by The Post — which ran a front-page picture of the duo smooching Friday at Bleecker Playground in the Village.
The case has been turned over to the Department of Education Special Commissioner of Investigations.
Cabrera dished yesterday that Arty began the race as a long shot. “He would go after class and basically try to seduce her,’’ he said. “I don’t know if she knew [about the bet]. They were all trying to get with her. One of his [Arty’s] friends flirted with her more than anyone — I thought he would be the one, but Eric came out of nowhere and got her.”
Other students described how Warning at first tried to resist the teenagers’ charms — throwing them out of her classroom when they would turn up to hit on her.
“He [Arty] would flirt with her,” said one junior who requested anonymity because school officials warned students not to talk. “She would try to avoid it because she was his teacher. She was a nice teacher and didn’t want to report him, and she would throw him and his friends out of class for trying to flirt with her,” the student said.
Arty’s friends showed up outside his Washington Heights home yesterday — with copies of the New York Post in hand — to salute their conquering hero, shouting, “Eric’s da’ man!”
The teacher bet was the talk of the school yesterday.
“This has probably been going on for a while now because the signs have been there,” said Maia Torruella, 16, a sophomore.
“The way they act together . . . When he walks into the room, her face lights up,’’ she said. “And when he’s gone, she’s boring. You can tell he’s still on her mind.
“They’re always so nice to each other. He flirts with a lot of girls, sure, but Miss Warning, ohhhhh!”
Warning was a no-show when she was supposed to report to her new desk job yesterday and could not be reached for comment.
“It’s my understanding that she did not show up to her reassignment center,” Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott said.
“So we’ll do more investigating on why she hasn’t shown up.”
Warning, who does not have tenure and was appointed to her $48,434 teaching position in October 2010, could be fired.
“We’ll wait for him [the commissioner] and based on the investigation, we’ll make a determination after that,” Walcott said.
Warning would not face any criminal charges because her boy toy was over the age of consent. Arty, who is expected to graduate this year, does not face any discipline.
In March, 2011, Warning was involved in an incident in which a 10th-grader was suspended for making lewd comments and inappropriately touching her.
“It was properly reported and the student was disciplined,” a DOE spokeswoman said.
A month earlier she’d been pulled over on the Taconic Parkway in East Fishkill and charged with drunken driving. It was not immediately known how the case was resolved. A report in the Journal News said she blew a Breathalyzer reading above .08.
Meanwhile, the chivalrous winner yesterday continued to insist that Warning was not the woman he was photographed with in Bleecker Playground in Greenwich Village on Friday.
“It’s not my teacher,” he said.
“I feel bad for her,” he added, but refused to say who she was
A Brooklyn high-school English teacher who was supposed to be tutoring a 16-year-old student instead plied him with pot and repeatedly had sex with him in her school office, the boy’s lawyer charged yesterday.
Erin Sayar, 36, had oral sex and intercourse with then-16-year-old Kevin Eng at least eight times, “including times that occurred on school grounds in [her] office,” at James Madison HS, according to a $10 million notice of claim filed by lawyer Bruce Baron.
Sayar — a married mother of a young girl — gave the youth pot from a stash she kept hidden in her school-office filing cabinet, Baron said.
‘UNFAITHFUL’: Erin Sayar, in her 2007 wedding picture with groom Jimmy Lathrop, allegedly had sex with a 16-year-old student.
And the duo exchanged an astounding 3,856 text messages over a 17-day period in December — an average of 227 per day, according to a report by school investigators.
The teacher — who was removed from the classroom in January — has not been criminally charged.
But school investigators have turned the evidence over to Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes and recommended she be fired.The teacher arranged to tutor the teen twice a week in her office, but one day last November the boy’s girlfriend spotted them flirting and got suspicious, the investigative report said.
The girl hacked the teen’s Facebook account and found messages to Sayar that said, “I love you so much” and “I always loved you, since last year.”
The teacher responded, “Oh no — I’m not putting myself out there again. I made that mistake last night and you couldn’t handle it.”
But she gave the teen her cell number and ordered him to delete their exchanges, the report said.
The outraged girl turned the messages over to school officials, and her boyfriend allegedly admitted he had sex with Sayar eight to 12 times, according to the report.
In one midnight rendezvous, Sayar came to his house and picked him up in her SUV.
“Eventually, they began kissing and then engaged in sexual intercourse and oral sex inside the SUV,” the report said, adding that the boy described tattoos on intimate parts of Sayar’s body.
Sayar couldn’t be reached yesterday.
Sayar, whose salary is $78,885 a year, taught at James Madison since 2000.
Eng, who is now 17, remains enrolled at the school, the sources said.
Baron said the two last had sex in January, and he filed a late notice of claim on behalf of Eng and his mother, Maureen, because the 90-day limit to file had expired.
It wasn’t the school’s first sex scandal. Romance-language teachers Cindy Mauro and Alini Brito were fired for allegedly getting naked and having sex in a classroom.
And English teacher Craig Roffman was fired and arrested after thousands of kiddie-porn images were allegedly found on his home computer.
Additional reporting by Ikimulisa Livingston and Bob Fredericks
Many classrooms, especially in higher education institutions offer a high degree of diversity which is both a boon and a challenge. In the initial few months, it is easy for students to revert to their comfort zones and stay with their ‘type’. This is not the healthiest development as these cliques could even become gangs.
Even if that does not happen, it is a sad waste of an opportunity to learn from a larger community. One of the most common reports is one of a North South divide. Separated by language and food preferences, and received wisdom on both, students and those in charge of their pastoral care must work hard to bridge this gap. It is one of the easiest to break, unlike religion or caste and the hardest sex. Girls and Boys have separate living arrangements. With limited hours to study and play together, they have very different experiences of student life. This diversity is probably the toughest to engage with and deliver learning to both groups in the classroom.
The objective really is for all groups to be together in the same classroom, working together as a team. They do not need to be identical, or work as one, but together, like a well oiled machine. For this to happen, one does need professional norms to be laid down and implemented in the classroom.
Diversity needs an explicit acknowledgment of differences and a cognitive assertion of their immateriality.
Mere television programs are not going to wash away our sins. Even if it is watched by millions because of Aamir Khan presenting the case against female feticide. The failure is that of our generation. It is a failure to educate and civilize a generation. If such brutality can be practiced on a regular basis by not only those who had little exposure to education, but also by professionals and bureaucrats, then the education system needs to hang its head in shame. It has achieved nothing.
The sin is not just the killing of our daughters. It is also the neglect and malnutrition of the girl child. Where there is discrimination, we have failed to teach the power of analytical thinking over received and inherited beliefs.
Yes, I hear you reader. You laugh in cynicism. But this is precisely the change that must be wrought - and cynical laughter will not help. Will you?
This much is proven that it takes an educated girl child to lift a family out of poverty and malnutrition. By educating a girl child the health and income levels of the entire family unit run by her are enhanced. Better decision making and support to the family unit normally mean that the progress that would otherwise be attained in three generations takes place in just one generation.
The challenge is to start sending the girl child to school and making her a useful economic unit in her own right. Of course there are hurdles, such as domestic responsibilities. This is why the mid-day meal scheme is located at schools, to encourage attendance and reduce the burden on the parent household. Girls are particularly vulnerable especially if they have to walk or commute a long distance to schools. Not dwelling on the fact that in a civilized society they would be perfectly safe, we must acknowledge the need for safer commute to schools. Or more secondary schools in rural and remote areas to encourage the girl child to stay in school longer.
One key concern that plagues schools is the lack of good toilets and sanitation - which keeps girls out of school after puberty, or affects their attendance and therefore their performance. Toilets are a basic human right. A school administrator that locks up the toilet or uses it as their personal store are dehumanising their environment. Simple enablers are required to keep the girl at school. Given current societal pressures, some extra incentives and kindness would also help educate the girl and begin the virtuous cycle of growth.
Often economics explains why people behave in certain ways - The girl child is the operations unit of every family - seen as a cost centre. As every ops person will tell you - it is a thankless task, unless economic value can be clearly demonstrated. Since we are a patriarchal society, her income goes to the other family and thus not worth the investment to the parent family. This was the logic that could have led to other evils such as child marriage - which again is a myopic view. Till the girl child is educated, her contribution is limited. With education, she brings health and happiness.
The way out of the female feticide problem is also via education of the girl child who needs to be able to hold her own. A strong public education campaign where the worth of the child is proven must supplement the individual effort.
This is not a journey a child can undertake on their own. They need safety and mentoring. To whom does the girl turn for support and encouragement? This is a role only a teacher can perform - a sacred trust, in place of the parent. The teacher must do what the parents or society could not do. The school has a large role to play in the community. A greater role than just teaching - education is but a part of what a teacher does. The teachers who cared, who inspired - every girl child needs some of them to start her on journeys that may be more daunting because they are new.
This is a call to be a more civilized society - an educated society that uses its learning for better values and smarter decision making. This is the country (with due apologies to Robi Thakur) that we must awake.
Damn, here are two female coeds putting on a lesbian girl on girl show for a room full of guys. Don't this make you wish you could go back to college just for one more week? These two young girlfriends are having some fun and are entertaining in what seem to be a dorm room surrounded by male students. Nothing but some good clean university lesbo show here, this is what higher learning is or should all be about folks

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