Chandra Muzaffar (duduk) bergambar bersama ahli lembaga Yayasan 1Malaysia, (dari kiri) Dr. Mahani Zainal Abidin, Dr. Ismail Ibrahim, Lee Lam Thye, K. J. Ratnam, Idris Jala dan Tony Fernandes selepas sidang media mengenai penubuhan yayasan tersebut di Ibu Pejabat ISIS, Kuala Lumpur semalam.
Khairy asks cops to speed up sex video probe
Barisan Nasional Youth (BN) wants police to complete investigating the Carcosa sex video implicating a top opposition leader.
Its chairperson Khairy Jamaluddin said that the investigation had taken too long and could lead to speculation.
Here are a few pictures of a malay khairi playmate sporting a tudung by day and then getting a little naughty at night. This head scarfed gal is name Intan her pictures at her boldest were leaked from her Friendster profile mid last year. Please drop a line in comments if you known more about the story behind this leak or if you have additional info about this chick from Malaysia according to a source. This leaked photo scandal from the popular social networking site of a hot and ready for some sex Malay hottie is now widely known as "Intan Private sexj with K.J " or "Intan-khairy. Scandal." The photos have spread like wildfire via mass mailer emails and with at least twenty five tipsters emailing it toGutterUncensored@yahoo.com since Tuesday, 4/9/2009. So it is about time this set of pics got posted on Gutter Uncensored.
Aside from that weird mark on her right breast and legs in need of a shave, this chick is rather nice. Intan has a pretty face and overall a lovely tight little body but even more importantly she is not one bit shy. She doesn't practice safe sex and it is always nice to find a young woman willing to take a cock raw causally. And I don't know about you guys but I for one find a chick in a tudung (a scarf worn around the head by Muslim women in Malaysia; conceals the hair but not the face) hot as fuck and especially hot as fuck when she has leaked sex pictures/videos going viral. Anyway, I was on Facebook the other day and some fan of the blog requested more nude Malay babes so Melayu Boleh! Click on pictures to enlarge.
You guys ever heard of the story
“You want to see my girl? Come in, come in!” he exhorts every man in sight, pointing to skimpily-clad Asianprostitutes waiting in a softly-lit sitting room along a back street in red-light district.
The tout says more than 50 customers patronise his business daily.
“Our customers are international, anybody can come as long as they can pay,” he says, brushing aside a reporter’s suggestion that the police might not approve of his operation.
“We’re legal!” he scoffs loudly.
Here is some MALAY exhibitionist MILF putting on public titty shows for her husband or lover in the back seat of a car and in parks on several different occasions. I personally love the photo with ‘The First Golden Age’ plaque in the background because it is kinda ironic with the topless modern MALAY chick in the foreground. I guess she and the photographer realize the joke when they took the pic. Hopefully this public nudity pic (and all the others) doesn’t signal a decline of a current golden age. And while it was a pretty bold and daring move, they may have forgotten that they live in MALAYSIA despite the huge sign in the background. Lucky for her, no name or any other identifying info was attached to these racy photos.
This lady have a lot more nude pictures of herself in public but unfortunately we could only recovery about ten from the set. So send the rest of her pics in via email or give us a download link for them in comments so that they can be added to this post if by chance you have them saved on your PC. Anyway, remember to join the Gutter Uncensored fan page
the doctor MAHATIR who told a woman she needed medicine in her vagina but the only way he could apply it properly was by putting it on the tip of his penis and manually apply it with repeated motions? Yeah I know, why didn't we thought of that line. Well, this scandal is a little like that one but in reverse plus with explicit pictures and it happened at an university. This scandal is so big now in Indonesia that the police are now looking into the matter. Bogor Police, Commissioner Irwansyah said, Clara Adheline Supit report to the Police on Saturday, the nude photographs were taken to help her best friend Misly Safarini also 23, citizen Citeureup Bogor. Misly needed help curing her then boyfriend from an illness.
Based on reports from Clara and several acquaintance, Irwansyah explain the chronology up to the photos containing nude and explicit images of Clara Adelin Supit being leaked and circulating in cyberspace mainly on the social network Facebook. According to information obtained, Clara Adelin Supit shot naked using a mobile phone in her dorm room at BINUS in Kebon Jeruk Jakarta area. In the investigation at Mapolresta Bogor, Clara had admitted receiving some money fromthe friend claiming she was paid after being photographed.
Clara was willing seduced by her friend in the photos because they were naive according to a mutual friend, Misly. To her and the victim, Misly say, her former boyfriend Joshua (26 year-old), told them that he had some witchcraft disease. According Misly, Joshua said he could only recover by seeing a pretty girl's nude photos. According to her because of incessant persuasion, and not having the heart to see friends to beg, sweet Clara who is also a cheerleading captain was willing to pose naked. After photographed nude, she was given an unknown some money by Misly. But he had ordered that Misly not spreading pictures of herself to others.Commissioner Irwansyah explained the story and he told reporters the extend of what was photographed. "Many Dewi Sartika's nude photos. Most of it is facing forward. That's why all of a forbidden part of woman body is exposed," he asserted.
After successfully getting naked images of the part-time model, Joshua then save it in a laptop owned by Cristian. "When Joshua saw the photo, then stored on a laptop owned by Cristian witnesses. Well then, the picture is also seen Albert who is also a friend Cristian and Joshua," said Irwansyah. Albert is believed to be the one behind the leaked to the Internet. Albert, who is believed spreading the hot photos of Dewi Sartika in the Clara Adheline Supit Facebook account, did not meet the police's call. Bogor Police intend to recall Albert on Saturday, April 17, 2010. "Since Tuesday, April 13, 2010 he did not come, then we will call him again tomorrow (Saturday)," said Irwansyah. He said, calling on Albert, is a follow up of the examination of two other witnesses called, Joshua and Cristian. Based on Cristian's information in front of the investigator, the first person who spread Clara Adeline Supit hot photos on Facebook is his friend Albert.
"Most likely, after review by a team of investigator, Albert will become a suspect. Because, description from several witnesses, especially Joshua and Christian lead to Albert," he explained. Moreover, he said, after the interrogation toward Cristian, he mentioned that Albert has been uploading pictures to the Internet. "However, we are still awaiting information from Albert," he said. Cristian and Joshua plans to deliver to the officer a laptop which containing Clara's picture. "If we have received the laptop, Clara nude photos that have been erased will be retrieved again," he asserted.
According Irwansyah, the spread of nudity, will be subject to article No. 11 of IT Act 2008 Article 27 paragraph 1 and 3 of a person knowingly disseminate obscene or defamatory, it will be threatened with 6 years in jail and/or a fine of Rp 1 billion. Anyway, we can safely assume Albert will not be showing up tomorrow. I am guessing he does not want to be arrested because you just know that is exactly what will happen if he shows his face.

Source: http://www.GutterUncensored.com

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