Mary Clare and I were college sweethearts. We fell madly in love freshman year and still feel the same way today. Who would have thought that one night of fun, innocent skinny dipping during college would change our lives forever?
Well it did! After that night, we were hooked for life and have enjoyed nude recreation ever since. And I bet, once you try it, you’ll love it too.
My name is Tom Mulhall, my wife, Mary Clare Mulhall and I have owned the popularTerra Cotta Inn Clothing Optional Resort and Spa located in sunny Palm Springs, California for over 17 years. We’ve always known that millions of people would love to try topless or nude sunbathing, but are very nervous and don’t know who to trust for reliable information. Our resort has always catered to first-time topless and nude sunbathers. And that’s why my posts here on Huffington Post will cater to you, the first timer that wants to learn more about the fun world of nude recreation. Of course I’ll also be posting useful information for experienced nudists and naturists too.

Mary Clare and I are from Chicago. In the summer between our junior and senior year of college, Mary Clare and I decided to stay and work in Champaign, Illinois where our school, The University of Illinois is located.
Summers there can be brutal. Very hot and humid. On one particular night, cooling off with a few beers chatting with another couple that were friends, the guy said “you’ll never believe what I heard. There’s a lake nearby where students go skinny dipping when it gets dark.”
Naturally, there was good-natured ribbing and teasing of him and how he learned of this lake. But, after fortifying ourselves with a few more beers, being the brave, adventurous, college students that we were, we all agreed, “Let’s go skinny dipping tomorrow night!”
Well, the next morning, as our coffee-infused brain cells slowly won the battle with our braver beer-infused cells, Mary Clare and I said to each other, “What the hell did we agree to?” We hoped the bravado of the previous night was just that, meaningless beer talk and our friends would forget all about our pledge to go skinny dipping.
No such luck. They called and drove over at dusk. So off we went to the lake and our new life experience.
The “lake,” which really was probably some farmers pond wasn’t that far out of town. We quickly got there and parked off some rural road. Surprisingly, there were many parked cars. The moon was fairly bright, so we easily saw a well worn path through a corn field. Again, more teasing and dares. After an agonizing minute or so, one of us said “let’s go,” and like lemmings, we all followed the leader.
I’m sure our hearts were beating and thumping like crazy. Ready to pop out of our clothed chests. But, after just a couple of minutes, we could hear lots of laughter and talking. We popped out into a small clearing and there was the lake in all its shimmering glory. Students were splashing and laughing, swimming and talking. They all looked like they were having the time of their lives. Looking down at the grassy beach, there were piles of clothes everywhere. Sure enough: Those students were skinny dipping, and we wanted to join in the fun too.
Off came our clothes and we ran into the refreshing water. It was one of the most fun evenings of our life. We met some of the friendliest students. At the end of the evening, we agreed to go again. However, not owning a car in college, our schedules never matched up with our friends. We never got another chance to go skinny dipping in Champaign again. But, we knew it wouldn’t be our last skinny dipping adventure.
Sometimes when we tell people we own a nude sunbathing resort and spa, we get a knowing wink or nod or a nervous giggle. Some people still have the wrong impression that skinny dippers are swingers. Not true at all. We quickly straighten them out. Vacationing at a nude sunbathing resort is just a wonderful way to enjoy a nice sunny day or moonlit night. You’re getting back to enjoying mother nature the way you were born, in your birthday suit. Skinny dipping is such a wonderful experience, one that everyone should try.
Nowadays, who goes skinny dipping? Everyone. The American Association for Nude Recreation using survey data, estimates that 52 million Americans have tried skinny dipping.
Skinny dippers are all ages. They come in all shapes and sizes, heights and widths. They are from all professions. Since this is an election year, you’ll learn skinny dippers are of all political persuasions. They’re Democrats, Republicans, Independents and non voters. Skinny dippers come from all religious backgrounds or no religious background.
As you see, anyone can be a skinny dipper. There are over 260 nudist clubs, parks and resorts located all over the US and Canada, plus many legal and long-time-used unofficial nude beaches.
Skinny dippers are the nicest people you will ever meet. Once your clothes come off, all the stresses and strains of the work a day world rapidly melt away, leaving you in a relaxed, easy going frame of mind. Once you’ve tried skinny dipping, you’ll want to say goodbye to your funny tan lines forever.

relationship, I indulged the irrational fear that I’d never have sex again. Over requisite beers, a friend told me I was being ridiculous. “You’re an attractive girl,” he said. “Just go to a bar, pick up a dude, and get laid. It won’t be hard; trust me.” I looked at him like he’d ask me to sell my mother into prostitution.
One night stands were for drunk people and investment bankers, I told myself. Don’t get me wrong; it’s not like I never had one. Years ago I went home with a hot Brazilian I met atMax Fish whose name I can’t remember. I do, however, remember the sex — fondly. And when I think about it, I have to admit that my general takeaway from that and my few other similar encounters is that sex really doesn’t always have to be about a meaningful and intimate connection; sometimes it’s about doing what feels good in the moment.
I’m not saying casual sex is for everybody. But, as Josey Vogels once wrote in her column,Messy Bedroom, “There is a lot to be learned about yourself through purely physical-based encounters, especially for women who are taught that sex is this precious gift that is only to be given away in the most idyllic circumstances. Meanwhile, men are raised to have a much more casual physical relationship with sex. No wonder we women give it so much emotional play.” In other words, our culture is saturated with the message that women who have one night stands are desperate for attention, suffer from low self-esteem, have issues with men or are alcoholic party girls. This idea doesn’t resonate for me. I think women are more complicated than this idea gives us credit for. In some circumstances, having sex one time with someone you never plan to sleep with again can be exactly what you want and need, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Here are 8 good reasons I’ve identified to have the occasional one night stand:

The Kamasutra has inspired the world to experiment with really sensual lovemaking positions. We bring you a few extremely combustible options to tempt, thrill and please your partner no end.
Grab your guy and get ready for a heady trip towards erotica.
Baithe baithe
Tempt your partner so sit and lie back in a comfy chair, his legs slightly spread. You can position yourself in such a manner that you face him, and you both are chest to chest. Move up and down very slowly and watch desire hot in his eyes.
Why you will love it: It’s a girl-on-top position but with a difference. The chair will provide just enough space for movement and the compactness will bring with it a lusty intimacy. Kiss and caress his face, chest and get ready for some unbelievable action later on the bed.
Kamal ka phool
Yoga has some really sexy and hot asanas. If you are big on fitness, you will know then that the lotus position is such where a lot of naughty stuff can happen as well. First have your partner sit with legs folded in a lotus position, now sit in his lap facing him and wrap your legs tightly around his waist. Hug him and share a long kiss. Rock back and forth and your partner should do the same. The movement will drive you both crazy.
Alternatively, sit in his lap with your back to him. Let his member slide into you and his arms be wrapped around you. Now rock back and forth and watch desire spiral.
Why you will love it: Yoga fanatics, this one couldn’t be more perfect for you!
Ek karwat
You and your partner lie on your sides facing each other. First, you lower your crotch onto his, wrapping your legs around either side of his torso. Your arms should be holding him tight and close. He then encircles your waist with his legs and grips your upper thighs and thrusts gently.
Why you will love it: Like most side-by-side sex positions, this one promises ecstasy. The nerve-endings of your vagina and his penis get fired up in this position.
Jangha vibhor
This woman on top position is packed with heady pleasure. Let your guy lie on his back and have him stretch both his legs in front of him. Then he can bend on leg and point his knee upwards. All the while facing him, lower yourself in such a manner where you can slide in his member into you and hold his bent knee for support. Now rock back and forth or up and down as your pleasure be.
Why you will love it: By combining two or more poses you explore your own sensuality which in turn will prep you up for mind-boggling orgasms.
Kamar ka kamaal
Have your man sit on the bed with his legs extended in front of him. Crawl up to him on your knees and straddle him, lowering yourself onto his erect penis. Once you’re comfortable, arch into a back bend – but be careful not to strain your lower back. Rest your head between his legs on the bed and reach your hands back to grab hold of his ankles or feet. That’s when he leans forward and the fun begins.
Why you will love it: Throw your head back, close your eyes, and totally let go, because this position will connect you two like no other.
Grab your guy and get ready for a heady trip towards erotica.
Baithe baithe
Tempt your partner so sit and lie back in a comfy chair, his legs slightly spread. You can position yourself in such a manner that you face him, and you both are chest to chest. Move up and down very slowly and watch desire hot in his eyes.
Why you will love it: It’s a girl-on-top position but with a difference. The chair will provide just enough space for movement and the compactness will bring with it a lusty intimacy. Kiss and caress his face, chest and get ready for some unbelievable action later on the bed.
Kamal ka phool
Yoga has some really sexy and hot asanas. If you are big on fitness, you will know then that the lotus position is such where a lot of naughty stuff can happen as well. First have your partner sit with legs folded in a lotus position, now sit in his lap facing him and wrap your legs tightly around his waist. Hug him and share a long kiss. Rock back and forth and your partner should do the same. The movement will drive you both crazy.
Alternatively, sit in his lap with your back to him. Let his member slide into you and his arms be wrapped around you. Now rock back and forth and watch desire spiral.
Why you will love it: Yoga fanatics, this one couldn’t be more perfect for you!
Ek karwat
You and your partner lie on your sides facing each other. First, you lower your crotch onto his, wrapping your legs around either side of his torso. Your arms should be holding him tight and close. He then encircles your waist with his legs and grips your upper thighs and thrusts gently.
Why you will love it: Like most side-by-side sex positions, this one promises ecstasy. The nerve-endings of your vagina and his penis get fired up in this position.
Jangha vibhor
This woman on top position is packed with heady pleasure. Let your guy lie on his back and have him stretch both his legs in front of him. Then he can bend on leg and point his knee upwards. All the while facing him, lower yourself in such a manner where you can slide in his member into you and hold his bent knee for support. Now rock back and forth or up and down as your pleasure be.
Why you will love it: By combining two or more poses you explore your own sensuality which in turn will prep you up for mind-boggling orgasms.
Kamar ka kamaal
Have your man sit on the bed with his legs extended in front of him. Crawl up to him on your knees and straddle him, lowering yourself onto his erect penis. Once you’re comfortable, arch into a back bend – but be careful not to strain your lower back. Rest your head between his legs on the bed and reach your hands back to grab hold of his ankles or feet. That’s when he leans forward and the fun begins.
Why you will love it: Throw your head back, close your eyes, and totally let go, because this position will connect you two like no other.

Anyone who has ever participated in an athletic event will back me up when I say that participating is only part of the reward — the free t-shirt is the other part. I’m not exactly what one would call a thrifty shopper; I do love my designers. But I also love flaunting my event t-shirts: I wear them like a badge of honor. The older they are and the more “vintage” they look, the more proud I am. So, after my last son was born and I had milked the no-exercise-for-six-weeks rule, it was time to get back to my pre-baby marathon routine.
Normally, I would throw on a sports bra, old tank top and shorts. Hitting the pavement in Florida is not the time to dress to impress. As a matter a fact, within moments of stepping outside you look like you have been swimming in a pool of sweat. Furthermore my lack of motivation coupled with my three young children who want to run, bike, skip, and/or keep me company on my run, led me to start training at the local gym. (Truth be told, for the hour I run, I strive to be as unreachable as possible — I completely exit mommy-mode.) I didn’t give my attire much thought as I prepared for my run. Nothing would be more suitable than my 2006 New York Marathon t-shirt. I waved goodbye and was happily on my way.
I walked in and got serious right away. Headphones and water in place, I ran for the next 45 minutes without looking up. I did notice that the gym was busy, the treadmills were in good condition and that the people all around me looked “attractive.” But between trying to catch my breath and promising my husband I’d be home in an hour, I didn’t give the people or the ambiance much thought.
This all changed, however, as I began my cool-down. I looked around me and couldn’t believe it – the gal pals walking (at a very slow pace) looked flawless … and decked out. The clothes looked like something I might wear out on the town. I quickly became hyper-sensitive about my own appearance: My sloppy t-shirt and sweaty face weren’t quite the badge of honor I had originally envisioned.
The women hanging out by the smoothie bar also looked impeccable. They wore similar outfits to the ladies on the treadmills. In fact, there seemed to be a dress code that I wasn’t aware of: tight black pants and form-fitting tops. Nary a pair of sweats to be seen. Instead,Lululemon, Athletica and Nike seemed to be sponsoring this particular gym. The more time I spent there, the more I realized that a) everyone’s idea of working out is different, and b) it felt like a fashion show. If half the battle really was showing up, then most of these gym-goers were doing just fine.
I later came to realize that many of the familiar faces at the school drop-off were the same faces (and outfits) that I had seen at the gym. In fact, it became apparent that the pickup crowd came straight from the gym, in their workout clothes.
Although I have decided to return to my old stomping grounds (i.e. the neighborhood roads), I am thankful for the time I spent at the gym. I never imagined that workout fashion could have such a “cultish” following. I now know what’s hot and what’s not at the gym. That said, I wouldn’t trade my miles of peace and quiet, endorphins or sweat for stylish gym clothes. However, I’m never one to turn down a good look, and I may just have to buy some of this workout gear come fall — just in time for the new school year.
Check out 14 stars who make exercise look good in our gallery below.
365 Sex Thrill Positions - Tips and Tricks 2013
ReplyDeletecheck here : http://365sexthrillspositions.blogspot.com
i like your positions also and i will try with my girlfriend , great article !